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Hey Everyone, I have a question for you. :)


I have Commands like, /amatease-Makes player put their hands behind their back.
/ammotd-Review server intro text.
thus allowing you to fuse together by standing where they are, and typing /amaltdim again.
/amsay (Text)-Sends a message to all admins.
/ammap (Gametype) (Mapname)-Type "/ammap" to see game types. Takes you to a certain map with the desired gametype.
/ambeg-Makes you get on hands and knees.
/amsit-Makes you sit down in the air.
/amsit2-Does a similer thing as /amsit.
/amsit3-Sit/Lay on ground.
/amsit4-Sits you down on the ground, and you get up slowly, thus enabling you to hover for 5 seconds.
/amvictory-Preforms a secret taunt, and does a voiceover.
/amnod or /amshake-Nods your head. Shakes your head.
/amcomeon-Waves your arm in a 'come on' movement.
/ambeg-Person gets on hands and knees.
/amflip-Flips your light saber, and turns it off/on.
/amkneel-Makes you Kneel.
/amsurrender-Puts your arms up in the air.
/amwait-Makes person lean against wall, or air if not done by wall.
/amhug-Hugs a person if the person is right in front of you.
/aminfo-Tells you something about your server.
/amnoisy-Player covers ears as if there is a loud noise.
/ammove-May tell you new moves that can be preformed in some of the special servers only.


But I can't use it. Or Sometimes It comes, "Unknown cmd" What can I do ? :)

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