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JO/JA coop


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The coop branch doesn't get updated by the master branch. Whoever decides to work on it needs to merge the changes from master into coop every so often. It's considered good practice to add new features or even just bug fixes into separate branches, and then merge these changes into master when it's done. There's two reasons for this: 1) it prevents half finished work being in the master branch - it ideally should always be a complete working copy of the code, though this isn't always the case. 2) It makes removing these changes very easy and you can simply diff with the branch, and then undo the changes made by that branch.


EDIT: We have a new shiny OpenJK subforum, so any OpenJK talk can go there ;)*hint hint, staff please move this? :)*

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  • 3 months later...

Ironicly I had looked into Co-op in the "Vampire Blood Chonicles" mod, we didn't get very far, but it would be nice to have a co-op mode that works, our idea worked more or less server side, the server determined if player 1 reaches goal, basicly load next map, it would force all players to next map, instead of multi mapping, it was a crude setup only suitable for linier style games

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