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Modifying UU Code

Go to solution Solved by Mog,

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I wish to personize my own UU files to display a custom auto join message...you know, the same message that displays when you type in !about. Now....all I need to know is where that is stored in the UU directory so that I can open it.


By UU...I mean Ultra Utility...the kill tracker.


BTW, I'm not releasing anything....I just want to know for my own use.

Guest Kel'ariy Ory'Hara

Mog, ur gonna have to QSO with Boba fett to get perms for his KT code :)


If you're playing ja+ there's a text file called autoreplier in the japlus folder to edit the normal autojoin text that appears. Otherwise yeah, if it's to edit the UU info that appears then do what Kel'ariy said :P

Have you tried looking at the ingame UU menu for anything?


Mog, ur gonna have to QSO with Boba fett to get perms for his KT code :)


Assuming that I can even get a hold of Boba....he's been inactive for quite awhile.


If you're playing ja+ there's a text file called autoreplier in the japlus folder to edit the normal autojoin text that appears. Otherwise yeah, if it's to edit the UU info that appears then do what Kel'ariy said :P

Have you tried looking at the ingame UU menu for anything?


I don't think the you can modify the !about message through UU itself.


BobaFett isn't an idiot, he probably put protection against stuff like that.

I can tell you how to make a join message from cgame though.

  • Solution

BobaFett isn't an idiot, he probably put protection against stuff like that.

I can tell you how to make a join message from cgame though.

That sounds like a healthy alternate to decoding the dll files.

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