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Underworld Mod Contest Poll


Which mod do you think is best?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Underworld mod do you think is best?

    • Black Krrsantan by ZelZel
    • Bounty Hunter by Noodle
    • Cavrilhu Pirates Base by Ramikad
    • Kubaz Species by The Unguided
    • Pyke Pack 2 by ZanderNao
    • The Shape Shifter Boba Fett Mod by Droidy365
    • Underworld by biggs

This poll is closed to new votes

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  • Poll closed on 04/16/2022 at 04:44 AM

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We've got a great collection for this contest to choose from! Nice work to all who created and submitted! You have a week to vote. A winner will be decided by the most votes when voting is closed on April 17th.

Remember, this theme was the "Star Wars Underworld" - which is defined essentially by the criminal and undesirable parts of the galaxy. Or as old Ben put it: scum and villainy.

Which of these do you think is best and deserves to win the Underworld badge? (Links below)




ZelZel, OCD2 and Droidy365 like this
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