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The July 15th Update will be delayed

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It's with a heavy heart that I will be needing to put the July 15th update on hold.


As we near our August 9th release date for Operation: Knightfall, efforts will need to be focused on that mission. Voiid's schedule is picking up at his job, and left alone he will not make the deadline. As I'm sure all of you are looking forward to Knightfall more than a few Order 66 mini missions, I have decided to postpone the update until further notice.


Operation: Knightfall will be the last update for 2.1, and we will begin production on Game Update 2.2 shortly after.


I hope you understand this decision, and we look forward to delivering this mission to you.


As always, thank you for following the development of Knights of the Force, and may the Force be with you.

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Take as long as you need, we'll all be waiting in anticipation.


Thank you for understanding.


By the way, what will contents be included in Game Update 2.2?


Multiplayer bots, language translations, missions, multiplayer overhaul, and more. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good to hear about the upcoming U2.2.


I wonder if there will be new Jedi characters from the Galactic Republic in that update because the mutant Rancor wants to taste new juicy Jedi  :D .


Besides, I have being role played as Darth Vader in the Great Jedi Purge. In each map, he duels with a Jedi  and until now he killed them all.

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Good to hear about the upcoming U2.2.


I wonder if there will be new Jedi characters from the Galactic Republic in that update because the mutant Rancor wants to taste new juicy Jedi :D .


Besides, I have being role played as Darth Vader in the Great Jedi Purge. In each map, he duels with a Jedi and until now he killed them all.

Tomorrow you'll have our official mission for that! It'll also come with a few new characters exclusive to the mission (but will only be available with Knightfall for now).

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Tomorrow you'll have our official mission for that! It'll also come with a few new characters exclusive to the mission (but will only be available with Knightfall for now).



P/s: At first, I thought "tomorrow" meant the day after today, now I know it means near future :)

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The mission is great. Thanks a lot.


I tried Anakin's perspective and ran through the lobby and small halls without any bug. I have not noticed any new specific characters from the mission, maybe, I slew them too fast :v

A full list will be available once we release the patch notes. The specific named characters are Serra Keto and Jocasta Nu.

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