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draw distance

Go to solution Solved by Ramikad,

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is there anyway i can alter the draw distance, despite me adding corners pieces and not a straight inlet (which would be ackward) i still have problems with distance drawing.


I know that there is an etity called "distancecull"  in worldspawn, does anyone know the default value?


If i lean arround the corner, i sadly see brushes that are not drawn, but when i take a few steps closer they do. It's kind of essential that the rock brushes are being drawn, else I may need to heighten some other rocks and change part of the lay-out.

  • Solution

distancecull is the value you want to modify. I'm not sure what's the default value, but if I remember correctly it's measured in game units, so you can set it to whatever is the max distance the player can see.

Lazarus likes this

distancecull is the value you want to modify. I'm not sure what's the default value, but if I remember correctly it's measured in game units, so you can set it to whatever is the max distance the player can see.


thanks, indeed in grid units in radiant. I upped it up to 14336 and it works fine now :)

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