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DC-17 Hand Blaster (preparing model for texturing, creating and applying texture... more)

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Hey there,


so I have been trying to get DC-17 Hand Blaster for Movie Battles and I think I am getting pretty close with this. I am unable to create texture for this specific model it has so many parts on UV view I have no idea what to do about this because I couldn't merge all parts as I was advised to do. I started using Blender only recently what you see before you is changed Commando Pistol from Movie Battles 2 you can see how the original model looked like here.


1. Can you please tell me what do I have to do here before I can create good UV map for this model?

2. How do guns work in JKA can I get rid of detailed internal parts to make this model eat up less performance?







Here is the model: https://ufile.io/brxo6


Here is the quick look at UV maps: First picture, Second picture



Please help me out JKHub you are my only hope -)

Droidy365 and The New Order like this

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