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Reborn and Shadowtroopers

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Ok, I'm not @@Mizore, and can't make these clever topics, but I was wondering:

Both the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers were imperials infused with the power of the Force (how's that even possible with the midiclorians anyway?), trained to use the Force (to various degrees), and to wield lightsabers. So, what is the difference between the two 'factions'? Obviously the Shadowtroopers have the armor, and seem to be better trained, but really, what is the in-universe deal with the division? Were one charged by Desann and the other by Galak?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mizore's right. As far as I can tell the Reborn and Shadowtroopers were already Force-Sensitive individuals, but not particularly strong in the Force without the help of the power of the Valley of the Jedi. 


The Valley of the Jedi clearly amplifies a person's natural affinity for the Force - as it does so for Kyle in the Jedi Outcast single player. The Shadowtrooper project was an interesting experiment performed by Galak to imbue an object (the green looking Artusian crystals) instead of people (the Reborn) directly. That way, when installed into the armor, it would enhance the Force affinity for whoever happened to be wearing that armor at the time. Likely he viewed that as much more efficient.


So it's not a matter of normal people being magically granted a connection to the Force, but making weak Force Sensitives stronger in the Force. If Reborn and Shadowtroopers were in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic they'd probably end up being the people maintaining the speeder pool or in one of the Service Corps or something like that lol... RIP

TheWhitePhoenix and the_raven like this
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