About This File
Contact info:
Author: SephFF
Discord: SephFF#4710
Email: karcherusmc@hotmail.com
Map Info:
Map Name: coop_corps
Released: August 29th 2022
Filesize: bsp: 3.73mb pk3: 46.3mb
Version: 1.0 <- will add more rooms later
Build Time: 60 days
Brush Count: 3548
Patches: 459
Entities: 295
Build Command lines:
[bsp] -threads 6 -meta -v -verboseentities -maxarea -samplesize 8"[MapFile]"
[vis] -threads 6 -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]"
[light] -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -fast -fastgrid -cheap -cheapgrid -samplescale 1 -gamma 0.9 -patchshadows -bounce 8 -bouncescale 0.7 -fastbounce -bouncegrid -samples 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -lightmapsize 4096 -debugsamplesize "[MapFile]"
roughly took 1hour 30 min to compile lighting.
FFA / TFFA / Duel / Power Duel
Botrouting: no
New Music: no
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Models: No
New NPC: No
New Skybox: No
Source .MAP file inside the pk3.
Feel free to use anything SephFF has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission.
Inspired by Protal 2, coop mode I just wanted to make a map that 2 people could have fun trying to solve. I also wanted to make a challenge for solo players to enjoy and maybe inspire others to learn how to complete this type of challenge. Map is also a good refrence to see jump heights, player walk slop limits and many other things.
Map Features:
Coop: 125 fps normal JKA settings.
Solo: 125 fps normal JKA settings also Japro supported with timers and check points.
Saber range testing room
Kyle Spawner
TFFA/Duel spawns
Portal easter egg
Teleport lobby room to get where ya wanna go.
Useful tech to know for this map:
Water jump glitch:
JKA for some odd reason has a cool trick not many people know about where if you jump into water using full jump (J1,J2,J3 <Force level), and you KEEP holding jump while falling into the water never letting it go. When you swim to the surface you will shoot out of the water the same height as the speak of your jump regardless from how high up you are. If you never let go of jump and fall in water again, you can repeat the same jump height again and again. The only thing stopping you is if your feet touch the ground. If your feet touch the glitch will no longer work. This makes getting around the map interesting and sometimes involves prior planning.
Some jumps require knowing how to a RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost. It’s a trick in JKA where you can double your jump height boosting off a slope surface less than 90 degrees. There are many variations to do this trick so ill explain the basic D-Swing one.
RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost:
Run forward using W or D and hold jump/space
If using W let go of it while in air press D+Attack
If using D just keep hold it and press attack.
After pressing attack, you will press and hold W+Attack (Jump/Space is still being held at the time.)
You will need forward momentum going into a slope surface. The middle of the swing is where the boost should happen. The player character’s body should be touching the slope surface during the middle of the swing animation. After the boost let go of attack but continue holding W+Jump/Space. If you hold attack you will swing the saber again, slowing your forward momentum giving less height to the jump.
The timing of the swing/forward momentum speed and angle of slope surface all adjust when the boost will or will not happen. It takes some practice to learn this trick but its not too difficult to master. This trick allows access to some areas in maps devs never intended.
For other JKA mappers. This map is also good for testing how things interact with slopes. I also have perfect heights for j1 j2 j3 and other useful stuff for mapping in general. Source files are included so feel free to poke around.
Programs Used:
Photoshop 2022
SephFF Author of this map did all Bursh work, patches, custom textures, layout brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing.
Loda and tayst gave me info for japro stuff.
MJT Helped with shaders....this dude does black magic.
Map testers: Helena, Yeti*, Ice, Misery, Thunder, Fran, Sal, Source, Loda, prob more... so many people tested this JAWA, SAO, UPS all helped.
Place the .pk3 into your gamedata/base folder.
Run map commands:
To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap then the bsp name.
This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.
What's New in Version 1.2
Version 1.2:
-Fixed major cheese in 3rd room where you could skip half the room in race mode.
-Adjusted trigger in 3rd room that caused people to teleport if crouch too high in race mode.
-Added clip brushes / adjusted some clips to be phisical clip.
-Added music
-Fixed area in first room where people would be traped, can now open doors from outside of room not only on the inside.
-Made one door work for race mode using func_usable clip brush and func_delay. No real need to do this just wanted to see if it could be done. Adds extra entities which can be an issue in later updates.
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