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The Great Palace (FFA/TFFA/CTF) Multimap [6 Maps in 1] 1

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About This File

After months of hard work we can finally release this multi map of 6 maps in 1 - THE GREAT PALACE!
This map suits your every gamestyle, wether it is FFA, TFFA, CTF or DUELS.
It has a main hall to hang around, it is connected via a temple area to all other duel rooms!
Quick spawns in main area and teleports get you everywhere pretty quickly. Just walk into those Signplates in the map and you teleport to the next spot!

This map was made for the JA+ Community but also for basers and we think it is a great map to play on.
It has high quality textures and is so optimized that you can play easily with 125FPS everywhere, even 333FPS.
It has boutroutes if you like to play with bots on it. They will mainly walk around the GreatHall and TempleArea.
We added CTF spawns so if you like to play CTF in the Temple Area you can do so!
We have an area where we you can play music and feel like you are in a club!

We hope you enjoy! 🙂


= The Great Palace =

All our previous B2B tffa/duel maps ported together as a casual FFA map by Method & Westbam


* Fast teleports to each areas

* Auto-jump pads to bridge

* Medpacks & shields added

* Some secret in a map maybe:)

* New Cantina/Nightclub with music changer, switchable strobe lights and other stuff

* B2B Duel maps added/ported; https://jkhub.org/files/file/4009-b2b-method-westbams-mapbundle-1/

* Spawnpoints fix (Spawnpoints mostly in Great Hall area and few in Great_Temple @ FFA Mode)

* FFA, TFFA, CTF, Duel, Power Duel gamemodes support; CTF (Saber-Only) spawnpoints & flags in Temple area and Duel(s) in Tryhard.

- Botroutes YES
- No Weapons added

Known bugs:

- MW Club area FPS drops at some places (130-350 fps tested on potato GTX970)

RECOMMENDED: Disable dynamicglow (/r_dynamicglow 0)


Authors : Method & Westbam
Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel/CTF
Release Date: August 2022


Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder


Szico VII - textures/shaders/models from Atlantica map
MaceCrusherMadunusus - textures/shaders from Kamino map and overall help/tips
AngelModder - Jedi statues models from Jedis Home 3 map
Plasma - textures/shaders from Starkiller Base map
Shadow Stone - textures/shaders from Jedi's Home 1 & 2 map
Langerd - Darth Vader model from statuary hall duel map and some textures used from a map Cloud City SP mission

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

krkarr and Willemoes like this

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How long have you been working on this map? There is are jk2 maps called "archives and archives2" that look like early betas of this map that I assumed were very old maps? Also does this file work in jk2?



15 hours ago, Acrobat said:

How long have you been working on this map? There is are jk2 maps called "archives and archives2" that look like early betas of this map that I assumed were very old maps? Also does this file work in jk2?

try and see if it works on jk2. These are all custom textures in it. Should be working! But let me know! Maybe some models could be missing like benches etc.
we worked for several months, the first map was started somewhere in october/november 2021

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