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About This File

special clan map made by my good friend Doobie Stu aka Booya it was his last map before he vanished who knows maybe one day he will return I must honor him this is a good map and I know the JK2 world will love it. 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This reminds me of another eastern Asian themed temple map. Does anyone remember which one that was? Not the Samurai FFA one, but a much bigger one that had a great skybox and cliffs and multiple temples, was very beautiful, looked like this one but bigger.

JJxHookZx likes this

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is a beautiful map.  It has an ambiance of emptiness about it.  Very fitting considering its tribute.  Well done.

JJxHookZx likes this
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