About This File
A collection of over 50 Freeware Max-scripts, Plugins and Suites to extend Gmax v1.2 and 3DSmax v4+ File I/O capabilities.
Supported Apps/Games/Engines/Formats:
3DS, AutoCAD, AutoDesk, Battlezone, C Language Format, Command & Conquer Renegade, Dragon's Age Origins, DirectX, Fly3D, Gamebryo/Netimmerse Engine, Ghoul2 Engine, Ghoul2 Engine, Granny Engine, GTA, Halflife, Kingpin, Lightwave, Maya, Milkshape, Morrowind Oblivion, NWN, NWN2, OpenGL, PowerVR, Quake2, Quake3, ReelMotion, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Total Annihilation, Unreal Tournament 2003, VRML, Wavefront, xFrog, ZenGin Engine
Gmax Specific Plugins:
3DS - 3ds importer v1.1 - gmax
AutoCad - Dxf importer v1.1 - gmax
GTA - Importer/Exporter - Gmax
NWN - NWmax .8 for Gmax (conflicts with Waylands MaxScript)
NWN - Waylands Import/Export MaxScript for Gmax (conflicts with NWmax)
Quake2 - md2 importer v1.1 - gmax
Quake3 - MD3 exporter beta v1.0 - gmax
Quake3 - md3 importer beta0.1 - gmax
Quake3 - md3 importer v1.0 - gmax
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - mdc importer v1.1 - gmax
Wavefront - OBJ importer v1.1 - gmax
Wavefront - OBJ importer v1.1a - gmax
Gmax & 3DS Max Mixed-Support Plugins:
AutoCad - DFX Importer (importdxf.zip) gmax/max
3DS - 3DS Importer v1.0 (max42-imp3DS.zip) gmax/max
Gamebryo/NetImmerse - NIF Import / Export (niftools-max-plugins- gmax/3dsmax
Granny Engine - .GR2 Skeleton and Animation import Plugin (3ds Max / GMax)
GTA - Kam's Max Scripts Import/export for 3DS Max & GMax
Half-Life - SMD importer v1.0 - gmax/3d max 4.2+
Kingpin mdx importer v1.0- gmax/max4
Milkshape - (ms3dImportExport_ver1_0.zip.zip) gmax/max
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - MDS importer v1.0 - gmax/3d max 4.2
3DS Max v4+ Plugins:
(Note: Althought supposedly some 3DSMax4 maxscripts and plugins can work for gmax12, (as Gmax is based off 3DSMax v4.0,) most are still largly untested, so please post if something doesn't work or seems buggy.)
Autodesk - Game Export Interface v1.122 (IGame_v_1.122.zip) max4
C&C Renegade - W3DImporter.zip
Dragon's Age Online - Import/Export
DirectX - Exporter v1.0.0.1 (efx_xout.zip)
Fly3D - Fly3D Mesh Import/Export v3.0 (fly3d3_plugins.zip)
Quake3 - MD3 Exporter v6.1 beta (MD3 Model Exporter v6.1 beta)
Quake3 - MD3 exporter - 3d max 6
Quake3 - MD3 exporter v2.0.1 - 3ds max 4.2/5
TotalWar - ms3dImportExport_ver1_0 (ms3dImportExport_ver1_0.zip)
UT2003 - Jamlander v3.01 (jamlander_301.zip)
3DS Max v4+ Specific Plugins:
(known to cause startup errors in Gmax)
AutoCad - DFX Export - HDXFEXP v4.0 (HDxfExp4.zip)
AutoCad - Material Lib Import - MLI to MAX v4.0 (mli2max4.zip)
Autodesk - Ascii Mdl Importer (asciiimporter.zip)
Battlezone - GEO Import/Export v1.0 VDF Import v1.0 (BZImportExport.zip) 3ds max
Battlezone -SDF Import v1.0 (SDFImport_max45.zip) 3ds max4
Ghoul2 Engine - Model Importer v0.2 (max4glmimport2.zip)
Half-Life - SMD exporter v1.0 3d - 3ds max 4.2+ only
Lightwave - LWO Importer LWOImpR4_043.zip
Lightwave - LWO2 Importer v0.90 (lwo2imp.zip)
Maya - Max2Maya ASCII v0.0 Exporter (Max2MayaAscii.zip)
Morrowind - NIF Importer v1.0 (NifImport.rar) max4
NWN - MDL Plugin Suite (MDLPluginSuite1.1b2Max5.zip) max 5
NWN2 - MDB Importer / Exporter v2.3.0(nwn2utilsmaxplugins2.3.0.rar/exe)
OpenGL (.c) - ESM Importer/Exporter v0.1 (Esmexp42.zip)
PowerVR - Exporter (PVRexp4.zip)
Quake3 - MD3 Importer v1.01 (md3imp.zip)
ReelMotion (ReelMotionMAX4.zip)
Total Annihilation - 3DO Import/Export v1.0 (3dopluginr4.zip+tatextures.zip) max4
Valve - Skeletal Model Exporter v4.1.3.0 (smdlexp_4130_max4_5.zip) 3ds max
VRML - 2.0 Export v4.4.1.0 (3dsmax4vrmlexp.exe) 3ds max
Wavefront - OBJ Importer v4.2 (Objimp42.zip) 3ds max
XFrog - Importer v1.0 (xfrog_maxplug.zip) 3ds max
Specificity, the following plugin's won't load with Gmax (so install to 3DSMax v4+ only):
3doexport.dle, 3doimport.dli, asciiimp.dli, Esmexport.dlu, GEOExport.dle, GEOimport.dli, ghoul2imp.dli, HDxfExp.dle, lwo2imp.dli, Max2MayaAsciiExp50.dle, Max2MayaAsciiExp60.dle, md3imp.dli, Mli2Max.dli, NifImport.dli, NWN2Utils.dlu, objimp.dli, PVRExp_v4.dle, SDFImport.dli, smdlexp.dle, VDFImport.dli, vrmlexp.dle (stdplugs dir), and xfrog.dlo
This is something I've had in my plugin archives and I thought I would share here since most of these can't be found online anymore. Hope they help, and happy modding!
P.S. - Also, there has been a rendering plugin created for GMax a long time ago ...for those who'd like to render images of their masterpieces. Just do an internet search for "GMax Renderer" and you should find it.
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