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Dusty's Patch: Jedi Academy SP (Test) v1.12

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About This File

Update 8/1/16:

It seems the second time I uploaded the file I gave you guys some bad code files. I think that was also what was causing problems. As they say, the third time is the charm. Also, I forgot to mention the changes to Class_BobaFett, Class_Commando, and the new Class_Manda for NPCs.


Warning: This mod is not compatible with existing save games. Just use cheats to remake your saved game. It also assumes OpenJK is installed which provides some files and libraries that are necessary to run the game. The latest OpenJK builds can be obtained here: https://builds.openjk.org/


This is a test run for a modded Jedi Academy single player. All the features are code-side except for the animations (download Dusty's Patch: Animations to get them). The code uses a modified version of OpenJK's gameplay code.


Feel free to report issues, give feedback, or suggest features. Remember though, I'm just one person.


v1.1 changes:

- fixed a bug where projectiles deflected by the player back at an enemy would just sit there without damaging the enemy

- added the g_saberAutoAimDeflect cvar, it wasn't actually in before and the deflection aiming was actually controlled by g_spskill

- to accurately aim deflections now you almost must be walking/guarding

- fixed a baseJA bug where stormtroopers using Flechette and Repeater alt-fire would switch to primary fire when an enemy is very close not to damage themselves but then couldn't switch back to alt-fire

- g_playerCheatPowers: if 1, player gets a lot of abilities that bosses and NPCs have, like auto-pushing explosives, sniper shot dodging, increased jumping ability/resistance to force powers, at 2 fp usage is cut in half, and at 3 you have unlimited fp and take no fall damage; make sure to have this set when before you load your game to get the automatically applied NPC boss class effects; also your lightsaber must be activated for auto-pushing explosives (so it won't work with any other weapon equipped or your saber off)

- iknowkungfu now toggles g_playerCheatPowers to 1

- NPCs are using some new AI for surrendering, but I'm not sure how it behaves in the context of the SP missions, as I only tested it on MP maps which don't have waypointing, but basically they consistently stay surrendered hile you are nearby but as soon as you leave they try to do stuff

- NPC Jedi now have their level of acrobatics determined by their move stat; 3 allows rolls and lean dodges, 4 allows cartwheels and flipping out of knockdown, this way you can restrict an NPC to be less acrobatic and more "technical"

- Class_BobaFett doesn't make an NPC invincible anymore, rather only the NPC with the name "boba_fett" or the undying field will be invincible, Class_Commando allows for an NPC that acts like Boba but without the flamethrower or jetpack, and Class_Manda is supposed to act like Boba but without a jetpack but is untested --- NOTE: must have WP_BLASTER as a fallback weapon to work correctly, and can currently only switch between/use the weapons Class_BobaFett has normal AI for (disruptor, rocket launcher, e11)

- Tweaked the likelihood of Grenadier Grans using WP_MELEE when you have your saber out, don't know if it's a noticeable difference though

- handicap_maxArmor controls the maximum charge your shield can get from a power station (not how many points the power station has to give you, but how high your shield can get FROM USING a power station; does it stop filling at 100? 150? etc.)

- cg_lightningBlockEffect controls which efx file is used for the force lightning saber block effect

- some new fields you can put in NPC files...

dualPistols 1 -- gives an NPC dual pistols if have WP_BLASTER_PISTOL

cortosis 1 -- cuts damage in half from lightsabers, stacks on top of any other damage reductions

blastArmor 1 -- cuts damage in half from explosives and heavy weapons, stacks on top of any other damage reductions

magPlating 1 -- cuts damage in half from blasters, stacks on top of any other damage reductions

restrictJediPowers 1 -- restricts a Jedi NPC from using abilities they don't have the proper force powers for such as sniper

shot dodging without Speed 2, force pushing without Push 1

altFire 1 -- this actually works now

dontFlee 1 -- forces SCF_DONT_FLEE (an icarus script thing)

dontFire 1 -- forces SCF_DONT_FIRE (like how melee cultists don't punch)

rareFire 1 -- allows punching sometimes with melee (to emulate how cultists punch sometimes in the previous version of the mod)

heavyMelee 1 -- forces heavy melee regardless of class

- new fields are supported by the weapons.dat however I'm not sure how robust they are (they seemed to work for me):

velocity, altVelocity: use an integer number (no decimals)

npcDmgMult, npcAltDmgMult, npcFireTimeMult, npcAltFireTimeMult: multipliers that use a decimal (like 0.7, 1.5, 2.3 etc.)

the npc firetime fields might only work on newly spawned NPCs (firing speed is set as an NPC is spawning in)

*read the weaponshelp.txt for overview of what the default values for these things are


new bug - for some reason when you use playermodel to become an NPC your HP and shields will match that NPCs HP. Not sure why.


v1.0 changes:

New Cvars


g_autoRoll - default is 1, if 1 default JA behavior, if 0 you have to be holding USE to roll

g_char_forcePowerMax - requires level restart, controls number of player force points

g_char_forceRegen - requires level restart, controls force point regen rate of player

g_char_parryBonus - same as .sab file setting but applied on savegame load for player

g_char_breakParryBonus - same as .sab file setting but applied on game load for player

g_handicap - can go up to 200 now

g_saberDamageScale - this scales saber damage, and is saved with your savegame. This effect stacks on top of the effect caused by g_saberMoreRealistic.

g_saberDeflectAutoAim - if 0, blaster deflections are not auto-aimed but go in the direction of the crosshair with randomness

based on Saber Defense level

g_saberForceDrains - if 1 special moves drain the amount of FP from the next cvar, katas not affected

g_saberForceDrainAmount - if g_saberForceDrains is 1, special moves drain this amount of FP, katas not affected

g_saberLockSuperBreaks - if 1 default JA behavior of saber locks, if 0 no super breaks (1-hit KOs) ever happen after saber locks

g_saberMoreRealistic - no longer write-protected

g_weaponVelocity*, g_weaponAltVelocity* - use this to multiply the speed of most projectiles


Gameplay mechanics


Force powers (activated with g_forceNewPowers 1)


- Force Jump height for all levels increased by 25%

- Force Pull level 1 pulls weapons only, level 2 can knockdown, level 3 can pull toward you a little bit

- ***Force Sense gives limited snipershot dodging ability (you might need to hold down Use)

- Force Speed decreases FP cost of sniper shot dodging at Level 3 (for auto-dodging anyway)

- **Force Protect 1/2/3 gives only 10/20/40% damage reduction against saber attacks instead of 25/50/75%

- Force Heal costs slightly fewer force points at Level 3 if I remember correctly




- Improvements to NPC AI pertaining to the use of JA-exclusive abilities...

NPCs only use Force Rage if close to the player and if have > 25% HP, only kick if close to the player,

only use katas if close to the player

- NPC Jedi will try very hard to dodge your attacks if you knock their saber throw to the ground (before they were more apt to just stand there)

- NPC Jedi get up much more quickly from knockdown on higher difficulties (no easy marios for the win)

- NPC Jedi will activate their saber very quickly after being gripped or drained based on difficulty and rank

- Force-only Cultists react properly to explosives, sniper shots, and saber throws now

- Force-only Cultists will very rarely throw in a quick punch if you get right in their face

- Non-saber wielding NPCs with Class_Reborn try extra hard to dodge saber attacks and throws (because they can't block)

- Light Jedi with non-dark Jedi AI (class_reborn, class_desann, etc.) classes don't attack surrendered or unarmed enemies now at all

- **Grenadier Grans will alternate punches/thermal detonators even if your saber is out if you are really close to


- **NPCs surrender more like JK2 (the animation is more consistent, once they decide to surrender they will usually stay surrendered)

- Allied NPCs receive 150%/125%/100% HP for Padawan/Jedi/Jedi Knight difficulties now instead of 100%/125%/150% like enemies

- Assassin Droids now fire even with their shields up

- Class_Rodian with E11 and Class_Imperial at commander rank use alt-fire now always



Saber System (activated with g_saberNewCombat 1)


- Saber Offense gives a base "attack power" (AP) (+2/+4/+6)

- Saber Defense gives a base "defense power" (DP) (+2/+4/+6) and a number of block points (BP, is equal to 1 + your SD level IIRC)

- "attack power" is modified by saber style (-2/0/+2/-1/+1/-1/+1 for Fast/Med/Strong/Duals/Staff/Tavion/Desann)

- Desann style is as strong as Red if you are CLASS_DESANN, otherwise it does not cause knockdown as often as Red, and is slightly


- style attack chaining altered:

can only chain 2 slashes if running, staff and duals cannot chain infinitely (5 slash maximum now), chain counts are also not

random (Medium can always chain 5 slashes while walking for example)


How saber combat then works:

- AP > DP = attack blocked but lose a number of BP equivalent to AP - DP

- all BP lost = guard crushed

- BPs regenerate about 1 per second if walking/standing still (total BP = your Saber Def. level + 1 if I remember correctly)

- special attacks ignore BP: either crush guard or are blocked partially


Other saber-related changes (always active regardless of g_saberNewCombat)

- player's ability to parry saber attacks and blaster fire is improved while walking or standing still for Medium and Strong


- Saber Defense 0 no longer causes blaster fire to pass through the player, only the player's saber

- A saber with autoblocking 0 now has a very narrow blocking arc for the player (so you can't cheat and block super easy)

- Holding Use and standing still will let you try to manual block blaster bolts as it currently does in Base JA, however the arc is super narrow


Melee changes


- Player can use kicks with any saber type by default, you must use +forcefocus to saberthrow (bind this to a key, maybe your mousewheel click-down)

- Player's melee abilities determined by Saber Offense level (1 = punches and kicks, 2 = katas, 3 = spin kicks)

- if you're not cheating (using g_debugMelee or iknowkungfu)... Player melee katas have less range, must be aimed more precisely, and do not work on certain types of enemies

- Spin/Flip kicks are only enabled for Saber Offense 3 but do slightly more damage

- Spin Kicks are possible on demand by holding Use and pressing the Alt Attack button, however costs 10 FP (the auto version doesn't cost any)

- **Knockdown from a kick to Jedi happens only if your Saber Offense >= their Saber Defense

- Player punches do 7/5 damage now instead of 6/3 and aren't randomized

- **Force Speed punching is more consistent now and less cheap (never did actually test)

- **Heavy/Slow Melee punching is specifically associated with Chewbacca, Class_Gran, and Class_Trandoshan, other NPC types will punch

more quickly but weakly if given WP_MELEE


Other additions


- visual effect for blocking Force Lightning with your lightsaber (it's subtle but there, it just plays a reverse-direction version of the Lightning level 1 effect)

- rolls and acrobatics are possible in 1st Person now


Future ideas


Things to do -

- *savegame screenshots

- *separate cvar for player HP and Shields

- force push strong version, mindtrick changes

- *camera controls (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th person)



** not completely tested but should work

*** incomplete/unfinished/not working completely

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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It just doesn't work >_< i even did a full reinstall followed the first instructions and it just doesn't work

Everytime i write in G_playercheatpowers 1

It says Unknow command ._.

I'm using the latest version of openjk

Jedi Academy - Steam Version

and my os is Windows 10...

And even if stands unknown command the cheats doesn't work.

it's as if the mod isn't recognized

What i tried:

- Using Both install methodes

- Running Game As administrator and windows xp compatibility.

- Replacing the openjk dll

- putting your dll in a pk3 to load up.

- do a full reinstall and just install only your mod and openjk



The mod won't work for me either. Every time I try to use the mod, I get an error message saying that msvcp120D is missing. I'm sorry if this is a problem that you would probably roll your eyes at, but none of the solutions I'm reading about seem to work.


I also have the latest OpenJK build.

Mara likes this


The mod won't work for me either. Every time I try to use the mod, I get an error message saying that msvcp120D is missing. I'm sorry if this is a problem that you would probably roll your eyes at, but none of the solutions I'm reading about seem to work.


I also have the latest OpenJK build.

I have the same problem. I even installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2012, but it didn't work. And even some googling didn't work either, as every result led me to either some fishy websites (where you allegedly can download that .dll) or to forums where nobody knows any solution.

Mara and McGroose like this


I guess Dusty made some mistakes :/



Should be working now.

Mara likes this


Nope,"0xc000007b" Error now...

And those msvcp errors.



The mod won't work for me either. Every time I try to use the mod, I get an error message saying that msvcp120D is missing. I'm sorry if this is a problem that you would probably roll your eyes at, but none of the solutions I'm reading about seem to work.


I also have the latest OpenJK build.


I have the same problem. I even installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2012, but it didn't work. And even some googling didn't work either, as every result led me to either some fishy websites (where you allegedly can download that .dll) or to forums where nobody knows any solution.


Nope,"0xc000007b" Error now...

And those msvcp errors.


Actually, it seems you guys need the Visual C++ 2013 redistributable for your system (x86 or x64, should be able to install both if you're not sure).

This should be it here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784


Tell me if that works. I have it on my machine plus I have Visual Studio 2013 so that must be why I haven't encountered it if that's the problem.


@ Soma :

You encountered this 0xc000007b error also. Did you have any luck with it? It seems this error may be tied in with not having the VS 2013 Redistributable...



I have Visual C++ 2013...



I'll try installing Visual Studio 2013 (currently installing a version with something called "update 5"). I already have Both the x64 version and the x84 version of Visual C++ 2013 installed because I was redirected to it in the past to get some other programs to work, but I I never bothered to install visual studio itself before because I never saw the need for it. I know next to nothing about coding, let alone what the program itself offers. I'll update when it finishes. It's a long download. :/


EDIT: Well, good news and bad news. Good news is that I'm not getting the missing DLL file warning anymore. The bad news is that it still crashes for no reason. :/ Still, that's progress. The error may be on my part. That means that the solution to the missing DLL file is to download Visual Studio 2013. It's an annoying and long process though... 11GB installation. Ugh


I have Windows 8.1 btw. I don't know if your EXE being compiled or written with another OS will make a difference or not.


I'm pretty sure there may be a problem with the rdsp-vanilla_x86 included. The game crashes loading the menu. Without it before, it crashed loading a map.



Ok. I think I got it this time. It turns out I accidentally gave you guys some bad code files.



1. Make sure OpenJK is installed. Get it here: https://builds.openjk.org/

2. Re-download the mod. Just overwrite any files (no clean install necessary).

3. If things don't work, make sure you have the Visual C++ 2013 redistributables installed...



the playermodel npc health feat actually kinda sounds nice, try making it a cvar, people might like it, force power amount and regen speed is changed if the npc has its force power amount, speed, and amount of fp regen'd in the npc file

Mara likes this


No still doesn't work ._.
same errors i'm getting.

Will try now to install visual studio 2013 and see if that does the trick.




Okay, it finally works now. I just installed Visual C++ 2013.



Thank you, it works now. I love the new features! I'm sorry you had to keep updating though. xD


I know you're probably sick of hearing about problems with the mod, but something I noticed is that the mod doesn't support custom SP maps.


I tried loading these two maps (probably the best standalone SP maps ever for JKA):




The game crashes everytime and mentions something about C++ and whether or not I want to retry or ignore the problem. Ignoring it just shows a different issue every time, varying from bone problems to models


And this one really doesn't matter, but saber combat sometimes makes the message "unknown hitlocation" rapidly pop up in the console. Don't know why. I had sabermorerealistic on 2. Really useful now that I can enable it at will.

Mara likes this


Yay, it works after i installed visual studio 2013

And already tested a few things out  with the Cheat powers c:

-vjun rain isn't being resisted

-You still can't do unlimited pushes, just one at a time.

-autopush only works when saber on

-Sniper dodge does it's job fine. But if i could suggest i would love to have the slow mo away xD

-Resisting lightning can only be done with lightsabers and i am still getting damage from it.

- Setforceall 3 doesn't grant you unlimited power nor it saves you from fall damage.

- Not Compatible with using it as Non steam game.



- Not Compatible with using it as Non steam game.

That's weird... the mod works for me with my non-Steam version (original CD). The problem is that it crashes on several levels. Vjun3 and Bakura crashed so far.

Mara likes this


Well it starts up for me, but thus far every map crashed. D:

And when i write the cmd in the menu it says "Unknown command"



""unknown hitlocation" rapidly pop up in the console. Don't know why."

Figured out that's because of Costum Models like Ahsoka.



The "unknown command" pop-up is probably just a glitch: I'm not sure why that is (OpenJK says that for the iknowkungfu command but it still works).


Yay, it works after i installed visual studio 2013

And already tested a few things out  with the Cheat powers c:

-vjun rain isn't being resisted

-You still can't do unlimited pushes, just one at a time.

-autopush only works when saber on

-Sniper dodge does it's job fine

-Resisting lightning can only be done with lightsabers and i am still getting damage from it.

- Setforceall 3 doesn't grant you unlimited power nor it saves you from fall damage.

- Not Compatible with using it as Non steam game.


Oh so you want some super-rapid pushes eh? I didn't do anything for the vjun rain yet. Auto push does only work with the saber activated for now. You can't completely resist lightning but you should take less damage from it like some bosses do (at least they seem to in the code). To get unlimited fp and fall damage removal you need to type "g_playerCheatPowers 3". As for the Steam thing, I have the CD version of the game and it works for me... so not sure what's up. What did you mean exactly Mara?


The game crashes everytime and mentions something about C++ and whether or not I want to retry or ignore the problem. Ignoring it just shows a different issue every time, varying from bone problems to models


I will see if it happens on my end. I think something similar happened to me when I was running with the bad files. Just in case it doesn't could you take a picture of the C++ error? Also, could you try playing those maps with Vanilla OpenJK SP? I just want to make sure my code is what's causing it and that it's not an OpenJK bug. It could also be my code messed up something somewhere.


Well it starts up for me, but thus far every map crashed. D:

And when i write the cmd in the menu it says "Unknown command"


Wait, every map??



the playermodel npc health feat actually kinda sounds nice, try making it a cvar, people might like it, force power amount and regen speed is changed if the npc has its force power amount, speed, and amount of fp regen'd in the npc file


That's probably what I'll do, if I can figure out what's causing it ;)


I wonder why the whole visual studio 2013 needs to be installed... curious thing that is. Also, has anyone also tried the previous version of the mod? If so, did that give the same problems as this version?

Mara likes this




"Oh so you want some super-rapid pushes eh?"




". To get unlimited fp and fall damage removal you need to type "g_playerCheatPowers 3"."


Oh, i didn't knew that THANKS, sorry for the bother D;


"As for the Steam thing, I have the CD version of the game and it works for me... so not sure what's up. What did you mean exactly Mara?"


Using your Openjk version as non- Steam game.

Like adding the desktop shortcut into your steam library and run it through it.





"Wait, every map??"


Well, i haven't tested ALL maps out yet but it seems that many of them cause crashes

But remember, only if you put it on steam, on normal all works fine ;3




Also i didn't mention that the mod somehow causes some random lagspikes and crashes, dunno if it's from your side or just my bad pc o.o




""unknown hitlocation" rapidly pop up in the console. Don't know why."

Figured out that's because of Costum Models like Ahsoka.

The range of this error goes farther than that. I think only some models, all of which use the regular skeleton and animations, fall outside of this problem.

I know for sure that the Howlers on Yavin have this problem. They're obviously not custom models. 



I will see if it happens on my end. I think something similar happened to me when I was running with the bad files. Just in case it doesn't could you take a picture of the C++ error? Also, could you try playing those maps with Vanilla OpenJK SP? I just want to make sure my code is what's causing it and that it's not an OpenJK bug. It could also be my code messed up something somewhere.

I found out that the problem wasn't related to custom maps. In fact, maps aren't the problem at all. The problem comes from Jk2 models. They crashed the maps I listed before because they all loaded these models.


Bakura, Vjun(1-3), and the custom spaceport level loaded Hapslash's Imperial model. This model was built using the JK2 skeleton. I also replaced the Shadowtroopers with Scerendo's Shadow Trooper skin, which I'm guessing relies on the JK2 version of the GLM model, if that makes any sense. The custom Sith Valley level loaded these shadowtroopers. Removing both of these models allows the maps to load fine now.



So ya, the maps are fine, but the mod cannot load JK2 models. I hope you can fix this.


Final flaw I've noticed so far is that this mod really hits hard on the framerate. I had max settings on before with the exception of disabled dynamic glow, and I had a fairly consistently high FPS. Now I'll get an FPS as low as 10 in areas were it would be 30+. Is this because you're having the mod load all of the assets of the level all at once or something like that? I can't imagine how this could impact framerate.


It's crashed on me twice in areas that were perfectly stable before. This is the error message I saw:


Mara likes this


Final flaw I've noticed so far is that this mod really hits hard on the framerate. I had max settings on before with the exception of disabled dynamic glow, and I had a fairly consistently high FPS. Now I'll get an FPS as low as 10 in areas were it would be 30+. Is this because you're having the mod load all of the assets of the level all at once or something like that? I can't imagine how this could impact framerate.


It's crashed on me twice in areas that were perfectly stable before. This is the error message I saw:



For some reason I can't see the screenshot, can you make it a link to the webpage where I can view the screenshot on the website? I'll see what I can do about the framerate. Hopefully I can find a way to isolate what is causing it... perhaps you could do me a favor, and could you check your computer's CPU and ram usage while the game is running? Could you see if it's noticeably higher versus running the normal game and OpenJK?


Also the JK2 model thing, it's only my mod that causes the problem right? Or does it also happen in OpenJK...? I'll see if it happens on my machine.


Thanks so much for helping me work out the issues... I don't have anyone actively helping me with the mod so it's kinda nice having someone help out. :)



Using your Openjk version as non- Steam game.

Like adding the desktop shortcut into your steam library and run it through it.


I'll have to see if I can give better instructions for installing with Steam. My guess is the files probably aren't in there the right way. All I can say for now is run it so you don't need a shortcut with the command line argument (the + set fs_game thing). I have a few Steam games though so I should be able to guess how the game runs via Steam...

Mara likes this


Regular JK and OpenJK run almost exactly the same. If there is a difference, I can't really see it. There may be a slight improvement performance wise with OpenJK, but I'm not sure.


This mod uses more of my CPU than previously. I don't believe there was a ram difference.


http://imgur.com/a/J4wQw I hope you can see this through the link.


Another bug I found relates with the missile launcher. The majority of the time, getting hit by a rocket makes me lose an expected amount of HP and shields. Sometimes though, getting hit with it in the mod makes me lose only 1 HP and 1 shield point. I think it has something to do with how far away I am from the enemy or what angle I'm facing them at. I tested this by giving the Assassin droid the missile launcher.



Typed g_playercheatpowers and it says "Unknown Command". gg

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