About This File
Readme File:
Title : Acrobat Racing Package
Author : Acrobat
Contact email: acrobatmapping@live.com
File Version: 1.0
Size: about 50 MB megs
Completion date: 03/30/2013
I made 14 race maps from scratch. I also converted 6 boris maps from quake defrag with permission from Boris.
These maps were made ideally for CPM\spinmod, but some of them may work OK for vq3 as well.
The maps are: acrobat-redhallways, acrobat-redhallways2, acrobat-redhallways3, acrobat-greenhallways, acrobat-greenhallways2.
acrobat-greenhallways3, Acrobat-Blackhallways, Acrobat-Blackhallways2, acrobat-metal, acrobat-bridges, acrobat-dash,
acrobat-dash2, boris_daytime, boris_nighttime, boris_torture1, boris_torture2, boris_torture3, boris_torture4.
Note there are trigger multiples are the start and end of each race course for modders to use.
The vast majority of the textures are ones I made from scratch in my previous maps.
I converted the Boris maps from Quake III Defrag with permission from Boris. His maps can be found here:
Loda converted boris_daytime, and bk helped with spacing on that one.
I used a skybox for map acrobat-yellowrace2 called DarkLand that is avaialble for use at this website:
Loda and BK made the basic spacing the strafe pads distancing, although I modified it,
and they made the "crete" textures."
The texture called "atl_wood" is Szico's Atlantica (got permission)
Thanks to beta testers: Vrael, Kairos, Boy, Catz
Physics notes: Some of the maps have yslaramis. If modders are around they can remap as follows.
In addition, if modders want to ad vertical overbounces (easybounce in twimod) they can do as follows:
Remapping the Ysalamiri:
"classname" "trigger_always"
"targetShaderName" "powerups/ysalimarishell"
"targetShaderNewName" "clear"
In "bg_pmove.c" at the bottom of "static void PM_CrashLand( void ) {" add:
//[boy] - Bounce!
if ( easyBounce.integer == 1 || (easyBounce.integer == 2 && pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart > pm->ps->origin[2]) )
vec3_t velocity;
float speed;
VectorCopy(pm->ps->velocity, velocity);
velocity[2] = 0;
speed = VectorLength(velocity);
if ( speed < 1 )
{ //Nearly 0 speed...
pm->ps->velocity[2] = -vel;
//[/boy] - Bounce!
As for the trigger_multiples for timers, I tried to make sure trigger #1 was at start and trigger #2 was
at the end. There are a few exceptions in this map pack though which are as follows:
Acrobat-greenhallways (#2 and #1)
boris_torture (#10 and #11)
Map Information:
New Textures: yes
New Music: No
New sounds: No
New Models: No
Game types are ffa, duel
Compile Information
bsp_q3map2/q3map2: (final) BSP -meta -notjunc, -vis, -light -fast -samples 2 -lomem
General Worldspawn Information
_lightmapscale 1
_blocksize 0
_chopsize 0
ambient 17
distancecull 131048
Bugs-Darkland skybox didn't line up right. Small areas not caulked on
redhallways and metal
* How to install *
Just put the pk3 files into your in your GameData\base game directory
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