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This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

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The Duel Map Mod Contest has concluded and winners were announced! Congrats to 🥇1st Place Winner Reepray with Rishi Station 2, 🥈2nd Place Winner chloe with Oasis Mesa, and 🥉3rd Place Winner Artemis with TFFA Brutal! Amazing submissions by everyone!

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If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.

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2. How to use the Chasecam


Make sure you read the first tutorial "How to set up a basic Camera" before you read this. I will refer to it.


2 easy processes:


1. Learn how to use the Chasecam mode

2. Lock the Chasecam and create a camera path




Learn how to use the Chasecam mode



Choose a demo, put it in the mme/demos folder, start "launch_jaMME.cmd" from the GameData/custom folder, type "\demo <demoname>" and press C when the demo is loaded to pause it.

We know how the Camera mode works, now we will learn how to edit a complete Chasecam run.


1. To enter the Chasecam edit mode, press "2".

2. To enter the Chasecam view mode, press X or Z until it says "View set to Chase".

3. Press F to "leave" recorder's pov.

Now you see a 3-dimensional white cross in the middle of the screen I hope, it is the marker.




Lock the Chasecam and create a camera path



The most important thing in the Chase mode is locking to objects. In contrast to the normal Camera mode the Chasecam always follows objects with its postion.


How do you find out which objects you can lock the Chasecam on: Hold mouse1 and mouse2 at the same time, then all available objects will be marked with red borders. You can actually lock on all entities: Players, projectiles (rockets, grenades, blaster shots, other "flying" shots), thrown sabers, weapons, ammo, health, armor and powerups.


Lock on a certain object: When you chose an object you want to chase, look at it straight so that the white cross is placed above it. Now hold down mouse1 and then hit F. The object will be surrounded by white borders to show that it is now the chased object.

(To release a chased object, press F at anytime while holding mouse1)


Your movement is limited now, here is what you can change:

The keys W, A, S, D are of no use anymore now.

You can change the angle of the Chasecam by holding down mouse1 and then moving the mouse.

You change the chase distance (distance between Chasecam and chased object) by holding the Spacebar and moving the mouse left and right.


Play around with it a bit so you get used to it. Then start to create a complete Chasecam path. You do it the same way as in the Camera mode: You change the position and angle of the Chasecam, add a keypoint by pressing V, then move forward or back in time by holding down SHIFT and moving the mouse and create more keypoints.


When you have finished the path, you want to view the Chasecam run you created. Go to the first keypoint and now press R! If you don't press R, the Chasecam view will not be locked. You will see the view following the player, but angles and distance of the Chasecam will not change.

When you are locked to the Chasecam view, press C to unpause the demo and watch what you created. Of course you can edit the Roll of every keypoint as well by holding mouse2 when editing a keypoint and moving the mouse.




Quick setup



1. Load a demo and pause it with C

2. Hit "2" for Chasecam edit mode

3. Hit X or Y until it says "View set to Chase"

4. Move the white marker over an object you want to chase

5. Hold mouse1, then hit F to mark it

6. Hold mouse1 and move the mouse to change the angle

7. Hold the Spacebar and move the mouse to change the disctance

8. Set up keypoints by pressing V

9. Type "\mme_blurFrames 20"

10. Go to the first keypoint by holding down Q

11. Type "\capture tga 30 ChaseTutorial"

14. Unpause the demo with C to capture

15. In windows: all you need is a simple vdub script with framerate set to your final project fps


Greetings, John


Credits: John "auri" from q3mme crew; original: link.

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