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Sound for skins/models


In this tutorial we will learn about adding sound. What is a new skin when it doesn’t even have its own set of sounds?
TAKE THAT! Anyone?

I'm still not that very experienced in adding sounds but i will tell you what i know. This topic will remain unlocked so we can discuss about this if needed

1: The Tools

  • Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzip
  • Any music/sound editing tool. Audacity would work well
  • In this Tutorial, i’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape and know how everything works.

2: Making the sound
First you will have to figure out what you exactly want as your sound…be creative i guess?

What i did was look around on youtube to find something interesting and i bumped into something from World of Warcraft where an Orc said: STOP POKING ME!. So i downloaded that youtube video as a .mp3 (not explaining this part).

Whenever you have found the file you want to use. Open your music/sound editing tool and cut here and there because it must not be too long. It is still unknown to me what the maximum length is, so experiment with that if you wish. Just don’t make it 3 minutes long!. The file i use is 6 seconds after all the cutting.

Also the bitrate of my file is 128kbs, you can set this in most sound editing tools but i recommend it stays this way to avoid future problems.
The filesize is 95kb, i am also not sure about how big the file size can be in total of something like this. But the smaller the better because we don’t want to download a 10mb skin with 6mb sounds in it!

Lets say…the file you were making was a Taunt. So you will save it as Taunt.mp3. If you made more taunts then save it as Taunt1.mp3 and another one Taunt2.mp3 (+1 each time you have a new one).
Death sounds? Death1.mp3, Death2.mp3 etc

3: Time to add
Lets add your newly created sounds to your skin!.
Open pakscape and navigate untill you find your skin and open it.
Make a new folder called: Sound
Inside Sound you make a new folder called: Chars
Inside Chars you make a new folder named after your skin (ValisTest for me)
Inside *ValisTest* you make a new folder called: Misc
And inside misc, you will place all the sounds you made!

Now that you did most of the work, there’s just 1 more thing to do.

If you remember the first tutorial I made, you noticed I left the Sound.cfg inside the skinfolder! At the same place all the bodyparts are located.

So what i want you to do is open that in Notepad just to see if the name inside is the same as your skin. If its not then please change it or else it won’t work!.
And now that i’m talking about this. This Sound.cfg is the basic version of adding sounds, if you change Jedi into Luke, then he will use the basic sounds JKA has for Luke!.

4: Testing 1 2 3
Alright! So now its time to go ingame and HEAR if it works!.
So taunt spam a bit, kill yourself, etc.

If for some reason you still hear: TAKE THAT! Then you might’ve done something wrong with 1 of the folders or the sound.cfg didn’t save like it should have.
If everything seems fine, yet you can’t find the problem. The solution i once did was just remake it, for some reason it worked after that even tho no details changed at all.

If you think you are done and don't feel like adding more sounds, remember that some parts are still opened. Lets say you added sounds for alot of things, but you didn't add any taunts. That would mean the taunts will remain as Take that!. Best solution for this if you do not wish to have any taunts, is to make a taunt.mp3 with nothing in it (hint: You can steal it from my skin(12 november 2010)


I hope this tutorial helped you out a little. Like i said i'm still not very experienced on this part and it still needs alot of experimenting in my eyes.

If you have figured out some interesting things about something like....Bitrate...Filesize...Timelimit...Etc. This topic will remain unlocked compared to the other tutorials so you are free to post.

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