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This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

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New year, new contest. Create a map for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast as part of this mod contest we are hosting. Winner of the contest gets a badge on the forum, an entry on the contest board, but best of all this just encourages creativity that benefits the community to enjoy the mods being made. The best creations come from passion, not reward. 😎

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If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.

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NPC support for skins


In this tutorial we will learn about NPC Support. Its 1 of those things that i like as a ‘optional’ thing but the people from Jk3files seem to like it.
This Tutorial will look slightly different because its really short and doesn’t need that much of an explanation.

1: The Tools
Here's a list of tools that you will be using:

  • Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzip
  • Notepad/Wordpad/textedit/ or any other text editing program
  • In this Tutorial, I’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape.

2: What to do
The first thing you need to do is open up assets1.pk3 with PakScape.
Then go to Ext_data > Npcs.

There are alot of files here! I will use the Jedi.npc simply because i’ve been using the Jedi model for the past tutorials as well. So copy/paste the .npc of your choice to a place on your computer (your reskin folder would be best so you won’t lose it).

Now that you have the file, open it with notepad or any other txt tool. And now you should see something like this:


Most of these lines aren’t that important but play around with them if you wish.

At least change the name ‘Jedi’ to the name of your skin!. Also don’t forget to change the sound name as well (snd,sndcombat,sndjedi) if you have different sounds than the default skin that is.

The file in this tutorial is already set as if it is your ally so you don’t have to worry about it attacking you. If you wish that it becomes your enemy. Just reverse the Player and Enemy teamnames ( TEAM_PLAYER – TEAM_ENEMY ).

Now that all the lines are edited, you have to save it. Name it something like *skinname*.npc (ValisTest.npc for me).
Now we want to have it together with our skin itself so….Open your skin.pk3 with Pakscape and on the first screen (same place as where models is located) make a new folder called ext_data, then inside of that, make a new folder called npcs. Then put your .NPC file in there.
Don’t forget to save!

NOW WE WANT TO TEST IT!. So go into single player mode , activate cheats (helpusobi 1) , and spawn it! /Npc Spawn ValisTest(or whatever name you have).


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