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Adding Force fall sp/mp


This is an easy one as you only need to alter bg_pmove.cpp (sp) or bg_pmove.c (mp)



first locate this piece of code in bg_pmove.cpp (sp) or bg_pmove.c (mp)

void PM_GrabWallForJump( int anim )
{//NOTE!!! assumes an appropriate anim is being passed in!!!

 under this add the following in bg_pmove.cpp (sp)

//The FP cost of Force Fall
#define FM_FORCEFALL			10

//the velocity to which Force Fall activates and tries to slow you to.

//Rate at which the player brakes
int ForceFallBrakeRate[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] =
	0, //Can't brake with zero Force Jump skills

//time between Force Fall braking actions.

qboolean PM_CanForceFall()
	return (!PM_InRoll(pm->ps) // not rolling
		&& !PM_InKnockDown(pm->ps) // not knocked down
		&& !PM_InDeathAnim() // not dead
		&& !PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( pm->ps->torsoAnim) // not doing special attack
		&& !PM_SaberInAttack(pm->ps->saberMove) // not attacking
		&& !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMP_HELD) // have to have released jump since last press
		&& pm->cmd.upmove > 10 // pressing the jump button
		&& pm->ps->velocity[2] < FORCEFALLVELOCITY // falling
		&& pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE // in the air
		&& pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //have force jump level 2 or above
		&& pm->ps->forcePower > FM_FORCEFALL // have atleast 5 force power points
		&& pm->waterlevel < 2 // above water level
		&& pm->ps->gravity > 0); // not in zero-g

qboolean PM_InForceFall()
	int ForceManaModifier = 0;
	int FFDebounce = pm->ps->forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] - (pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] * 100);

	// can player force fall?
	if (PM_CanForceFall())	
		// play special animation when player has the saber or melee
		if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE || pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER)

		// reduce falling velocity to a safe speed at set intervals
		//Warning: Dirty Hack ahead!
		if (FFDebounce + FORCEFALLDEBOUNCE < pm->cmd.serverTime)
			if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < FORCEFALLVELOCITY)
				if( (FORCEFALLVELOCITY - pm->ps->velocity[2]) < ForceFallBrakeRate[pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]])
					pm->ps->velocity[2] = FORCEFALLVELOCITY;
					pm->ps->velocity[2] += ForceFallBrakeRate[pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]];

		// is it time to reduce the players force power
		if (pm->ps->forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] < pm->cmd.serverTime)
		{// FP_LEVITATION drains force mana only when player 
			// has an upward velocity, so I used FP_HEAL instead
			WP_ForcePowerDrain(pm->gent, FP_HEAL, FM_FORCEFALL + ForceManaModifier); 

			// removes force power at a rate of 0.1 secs * force jump level
			pm->ps->forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] = pm->cmd.serverTime + (pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] * 100);

		// player is force falling
		return qtrue;

	// player is not force falling
	return qfalse;

or this bg_pmove.c (mp)

//The FP cost of Force Fall//serenity
#define FM_FORCEFALL			10

//the velocity to which Force Fall activates and tries to slow you to.

//Rate at which the player brakes
int ForceFallBrakeRate[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] =
	0, //Can't brake with zero Force Jump skills

//time between Force Fall braking actions.

qboolean PM_CanForceFall()
	return (!BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) // not rolling
		&& !PM_InKnockDown(pm->ps) // not knocked down
		&& !BG_InDeathAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim) // not dead
		&& !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(pm->ps->torsoAnim) // not doing special attack
		&& !BG_SaberInAttack(pm->ps->saberMove) // not attacking
		&& BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_HEAL) // can use force power
		&& !(pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD) // have to have released jump since last press
		&& pm->cmd.upmove > 10 // pressing the jump button
		&& pm->ps->velocity[2] < FORCEFALLVELOCITY // falling
		&& pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE // in the air
		&& pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //have force jump level 2 or above
		&& pm->ps->fd.forcePower > FM_FORCEFALL // have atleast 5 force power points
		&& pm->waterlevel < 2 // above water level
		&& pm->ps->gravity > 0); // not in zero-g

qboolean PM_InForceFall()
	int ForceManaModifier = 0;
	int FFDebounce = pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] - (pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] * 100);

	// can player force fall?
	if (PM_CanForceFall())	
		// play special animation when player has the saber or melee
		if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE || pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER)

		// reduce falling velocity to a safe speed at set intervals
		//Warning: Dirty Hack ahead!
		if (FFDebounce + FORCEFALLDEBOUNCE < pm->cmd.serverTime)
			if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < FORCEFALLVELOCITY)
				if( (FORCEFALLVELOCITY - pm->ps->velocity[2]) < ForceFallBrakeRate[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]])
					pm->ps->velocity[2] = FORCEFALLVELOCITY;
					pm->ps->velocity[2] += ForceFallBrakeRate[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]];

		// creates that cool Force Speed effect
		//pm->ps->powerups[PW_SPEED] = pm->cmd.serverTime + 100;

		// is it time to reduce the players force power
		if (pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] < pm->cmd.serverTime)
			// reduced the use of force power for duel and power duel matches
			if (pm->gametype == GT_DUEL || pm->gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
				ForceManaModifier = -4;

			// FP_LEVITATION drains force mana only when player 
			// has an upward velocity, so I used FP_HEAL instead
			BG_ForcePowerDrain(pm->ps, FP_HEAL, FM_FORCEFALL + ForceManaModifier);
			pm->ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1;

			// removes force power at a rate of 0.1 secs * force jump level
			pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] = pm->cmd.serverTime + (pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] * 100);

		// player is force falling
		return qtrue;

	// player is not force falling
	return qfalse;

 Now we have to add 2 more check s


Locate this piece of code in bg_pmove.cpp (sp) or bg_pmove.c (mp)

static qboolean PM_CheckJump( void ) 

and now add this

static qboolean PM_CheckJump( void ) 

	if (PM_InForceFall())
		return qfalse;

 and finally  Locate this piece of code in bg_pmove.cpp (sp) or bg_pmove.c (mp)

static void PM_CrashLand( void ) 

at the very bottom of this piece of code add this


 Now compile the code and do some Massive jumps  :)

Chen_tu likes this

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