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serenity0937's Achievements

  1. In Evolution of Combat i have written new scripts that allow you to move freely in all the academy 1,2,3,4,5,6 levels and t1_inter. Have a look at the scripts for reference if you want.Its not too difficult to understand.
  2. I Totally agree, 15 seems to be the max you can add (ANOTHER LIMIT) without having further issues.But the standard JKASDK only has 9 slots,maybe you already added some slots in the OpenJK SDK.Im talking about singleplayer here not multiplayer, as multiplayer already has 14 or 15 slots that are usable. I had to add new slots in cl_input.cpp / ui_shared and of course q_shared.h in my code as it only had 8 usable slots. void CL_InitInput( void ) Cmd_AddCommand ("+button9", IN_Button9Down);//kick Cmd_AddCommand ("-button9", IN_Button9Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button10", IN_Button10Down);//block Cmd_AddCommand ("-button10", IN_Button10Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button11", IN_Button11Down);//dodge Cmd_AddCommand ("-button11", IN_Button11Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button12", IN_Button12Down);//free Cmd_AddCommand ("-button12", IN_Button12Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button13", IN_Button13Down);//free Cmd_AddCommand ("-button13", IN_Button13Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button14", IN_Button14Down);//free Cmd_AddCommand ("-button14", IN_Button14Up); static bind_t g_bindings[] = {"+button9", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button10", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button11", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button12", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button13", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button14", -1, -1, -1, -1}, {"+button15", -1, -1, -1, -1}, //New EoC serenitysabersystem buttons #define BUTTON_KICK 512 //+button9 KICK #define BUTTON_BLOCK 1024 //+button10 BLOCK #define BUTTON_DODGE 2048 //+button11 DODGE #define BUTTON_BUTTON12 4096 //+button12 #define BUTTON_BUTTON13 8192 //+button13 #define BUTTON_BUTTON14 16384 //+button14 CL_CmdButtons( usercmd_t *cmd ) for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) { if ( in_buttons[i].active || in_buttons[i].wasPressed ) { cmd->buttons |= 1 << i; } in_buttons[i].wasPressed = qfalse; } If you guys have already addressed this issue then please ignore my suggestion. Thanks for the reply eezstreet.
  3. "Applies to JKA as well. Note that JKA's lightmap size (max) cannot exceed 128x128." This is a quote from a previous post, I will not name the person and bring him into this discussion but needless to say he is one of the openJK maintainers and a highly respected coder and member of the JKA community,he definitely knows what he is talking about.even if you "think" i dont. My point is this. The code does have its limits in various areas and pushing these limits can cause stability issues.Its not just a case of increasing a definition limit.Its not worth it at the cost of stability.Why do a mod if its going to crash before the start credits have even finished? Then if this is true,you are exactly the type of person im trying to help by making suggestions that would make life easier for people like you. You answered the initial post i made without even considering the implications or discussing the proposal with the other maintainers,and just shot out the idea.without a reasonable reason. "not clutter OpenJK's codebase with unused code" The unused button slots would be there for future coders to use. Its not clutter .Writing OpenJK all over the code is clutter....
  4. Exactly what i mean about people being sarcastic rude or aggressive,at people suggestions. Of course i added them myself,OpenJK does not have to add them for "ME" and adding the possibility to make new button function does not alter gameplay any more than adding " WPN_Damage" and "WPN_SplashRadius" edits, yet this has been done."and a good thing it is too". Not everybody is an "Expert " like you. And im just thinking of the people who are just getting started, My god even JKA mp sdk has free button slots, so why no sp too? Maybe you just don't like constructive criticism. OpenJK does not have to add any of the suggested changes, maybe you don't agree, maybe you just don't want to. But this attitude that you seem to have when answering or commenting is the biggest problem of all. Play nice its not hard to be polite.
  5. There does seem to be a fair amount of negativity on some of the JKA related forums. And it seems inevitable that sometimes people disagree on certain matters.But its also true that if a new guy who knows very little about a certain topic posts a suggestion or idea,on some forums he can get "flamed" and practically abused for his suggestion. I've noticed this happens more and more on coding forums(not naming any specific forum).Coding is a difficult topic to address,and it takes time to learn and master,but many "good" coders become "cocky" and "arrogant" to the point that they actually scare people away. OpenJK is the only code currently being "openly" worked on for JKA,and as such is the best choice people have,Some of the best JKA coders are involved in maintaining this code.But people need to be aware "Anything is possible" is a false statement.The code still has boundary,s that must be adhered to .Even if stretching the limits is possible.Some guy asked me if i could put physics and Euphoria code into Evolution of Combat once and the answer is definitely "No". I myself use the Original release of JKA SDK that was posted when it was first release,But i use OpenJK GitHub as a source for fixing bugs and maintaining stability. ​I think they have slightly digressed from the original idea of maintenance and fixing bugs and are just coding in some things for the sake of coding and in doing so they are risking stability. Suggestions for OpenJK with the greatest respect. Fix all the errors / Warnings that appear when compiling the code in Debug and Final mode. I downloaded the code a few weeks ago to "Take a look at it" and the first thing i noticed was all the warnings when compiling in Debug, and the code didn't even compile correctly in Final mode.I think this is far more important than adding visual (renderer) addons. This will give people a clean base to work from and improve stability when playing .The game crashes for various reasons and on multiple instances when playtesting. There are lots of warnings that would be simple to fix,but "A new coder" might not be able to fix these small errors. I.E. q_shared.cpp(919): warning C4389: '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch. A simple problem that could/should have been fixed by now. Think of a beginner who only wants to increase rocket speed or something simple like that ,no way he could fix any warnings/errors before he even starts . If the code is being maintained and prepared for people to download and develop, maybe add some things that could make thing easier for new coders/Developers. New button slots - the code needs new button slots so people can assign new buttons to do new things they may be working on. ie grapplehook /sprinting/prone /etc,etc I've added 5 new button slots in my code even though i am only using 3 at the moment. And finally stop changing the names of things that are already in the code to OpenJK. The exe and the sp cfg don't need changing as don't many thing ive seen in the code. The OpenJK team is doing an amazing job and im sure there source will be the base for many mod in years to come. But people need to realize that they are not making a "mod" ​They are preparing the code for further development and updating many aspects to bring the code up to date to run on newer more powerful machines. So don't be too harsh on them or they may just stop.Then JKA will have lost a good thing.
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