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Posts posted by Akimoto

  1. If I were to get a copy of the OpenJK, compile it and run it - would I be able to join all servers? 
    Let me ... add to the question. Could I theoretically add hovering health bars on all players, and join other servers? Not that I would do such a thing, that would be unfair... 

    I just want to know if this would be possible. <.<

  2. I have a problem. The problem is not that I am using eclipse, but that I am unable to make the damn thing reflect changes done in github! How the heck can I use a repository without being able to automatically syncronize changes done in github to my local laptop?! The worst thing, if I syncronize, I probably overwrite anything that has been done in the meantime on the same file.

    TL;DR - I want to find out how to get eclipse to GET the changed files from GITHUB automatically (or when I press a button).

    Problem solved. You may ignore/close/delete this. I don't care. 

  3. well i've tried to reinstall blender and all the addons

    but to no avail :(


    i think i'm just gonna try to start over from scratch


    but if anyone wanna try to take a look at the old model and possibly try to find a solution your free to do so




    if you find out what the problem is please let me know.


    screwing around with it. Its been a while since I have made and converted files. I will have to install stuff. @@


    Ok, I have taken a look at it. It seems the UVW mapping is wrong in the md3 file. (convertion error?)

    If you want I could just remake the model using the same suitcase texture. :P

  4. I am Jlflash2, my real name is Matt, I play Kotor and love Darth Sion as you can tell, but I do some skinning/modelling, I can do some mapping but very little (Not the greatest at it, I can do some in the Source Engine for HL2 and Gmod aswell). But I hope I can fit into the JKhub community and maybe be as great as some of you guys

    Welcome to the asylum.
    I am Akimoto, and shall be your guide for the evening.

    To the left, we have the wretched hive of scum and villainy. To the right we have modders, artists and the "creatives". They are very "spethial" so you must make sure to type clearly to avoid confusion and mayhem.
    I reside in the upper corridor. You recognize it by the smell of blood, sweat and meme pictures hanging on the walls. As for now, you will reside in the guest section for now; next to the modders. Whatever you do, do not feed them after midnight.

    Have a good evening.

  5. Looking good.
    Although a major improvement to the site would be to rename the "Module xxx" in jump to module on the top to something recognizable. I have no way of knowing what they are without looking below to begin with, which kinda renders them obsolete. :P

  6. I guess the nice website was Map-Craft? That no longer exists, sadly. Or are you German and used to go to Darth-Arth.de? That doesn't exist anymore either, but I've got a backup of the (german) tutorials there.

    Yes, it was map-craft.

    Why did they perish? 


    Oh well... 

  7. I was wondering if anyone know of good JKA mapping resources. I remember a GREAT resource for mapping (it was a forum, I believe, with alot of stuff regarding GTK Mapping in general), but I cannot find it. 
    Which means I am stuck googling for random sites (which usually sucks) for mapping tutorials. 
    Now, I have been mapping a long time ago, and knew my way around. I knew how to make nice looking waterfalls and ambiance lighting -- but now all the skills are forgotten! (Not to mention the GTK Radiant have been majorly updated since then)

    Any links and resources for GTK Mapping is strongly appreciated.

  8. Thanks for mentioning code mods :(

    (I just realized that I Like your posts because of your avatar, not what you actually are writing. 

    My brain is all like; "Pinkey Pie! -> Love!" and shuts off for a while. By the time I realized it I have pressed the Like button.)


    On a more serious note; What are code mods? Mods that allow you to code into? Code that allow you to mod? Coding that allow you to code mods, or modding that allow you to mod codes?

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