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Posts posted by squidgy617

  1. This looks like its EXACTLY what I've been wanting out of a JK mod! 


    Are the classes going to be server-side, allowing server hosts to create their own custom classes? It looks like you have a lot of characters covered, but obviously there is a plethora of Star Wars characters, so it would be really awesome if hosts could create new classes as they see fit.


    Regardless, looks like a really cool mod and I can't wait to play with it.

    Smoo and MattFiler like this
  2. In JA++, I had to edit the UI code for that, not just the .menu file. It's probably not exactly the same as Slider's code, but it seems to work.


    JA+ is not related to JA++, and all of my (JA++) code is freely available (with revision history)

    Aha! I've been looking at JA++ for a while but was struggling to find the code. Upon further inspection, I've finally figured it out! Everything works!


    Thanks everybody! And thanks for having that source code available, Raz0r, it was very helpful indeed.

    Raz0r likes this
  3. I don't know. EY4 seems to just use the ui_char_model cvar and change that based on what you clicked, but they don't have a system in place to make it change based on what character you've chosen, which is what I want to achieve.


    JA+ on the other hand changes the model based on the character you've chosen, which is exactly what I'm trying to do, but somewhere in the game's code they must have set that up because otherwise its just a generic jedi.


    If I can find where the code decides what model you're using and also force it to change the the model displaying on the main menu or something to that nature, I can do what I want, but until then I am stuck.

  4. Download the escape from yavin 4 the lost map Mod. this mod have a large and expensive character menu: there is a character creaton menu, but also a section about story and characters of the mod that show every model of every character of the game. Studying UI of EY4 for me was really precious for making UI menu of my mod. i suggest you to study the structures of menu of EY4 mod about characters 3d show :)

    That was extremely helpful. I took a look at it as well as JA+'s code, but unfortunately I still cannot achieve what I'm trying to do. Both will be useful for reference in the future, however.


    Even when directly copying the ui from JA+, what I'm trying to do is not achieved. Instead, it just loads a generic jedi. This leads me to believe that they must have changed some of the actual code to get JA+ working properly. My guess, somewhere in the code they force the jedi model to change something else. I've been sifting through the code for a couple of hours now trying to find what exactly I need to change/add to to get this working, but I can't find it.


    I'm guessing I need to find the character select screen code - i.e. where it tells the game what character you've chosen - and in that I can force the ui model to change as well, hopefully.


    Thanks anyway, though. Hopefully someone knows how to do this.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  5. Thank you, that got me a step closer and is much better than my previous issue, but I don't think that was specific enough.


    The menu I'm playing with here is the skin selection screen - not the customization one, but the skin selection. So, the player will be choosing preset characters such as a stormtrooper or Kyle or Luke etc., and I want the 3D portrait to change based on what character the player chooses.


    What you said is better, but I want it to load the model the player chooses before even leaving the menu.


    Thank you very much for the help though! Its getting me much closer.

  6. I posted this on LucasForums but that place is pretty barren, so I thought I'd post here and see if I can get an answer.


    Hi everyone. I'm very new to coding for Jedi Academy, and I'm just trying to learn the basics of it all. I have some programming experience but I've never messed with JA's code before so I'm just figuring out how everything ticks.



    Anyway, to start off I wanted to make it so that at the character select screen (not the character customization screen), the player can see the character model in a sort of preview pane, just like what the character customization screen does, but in this case its just displaying the model of whatever character you've chosen. Naturally, I just copied the code over from the character customization screen:


    //Character Model display
    name character
    group models
    //rect 95 84 820 1000 
    rect 52 84 900 1000
    model_g2anim  "BOTH_WALK1"
    asset_model "ui_char_model"
    model_angle 180
    //mins maxs format is apparently z x y (hmmm... y x z?)
    //model_g2mins -20 -15 -10
    //model_g2maxs 10 15 20
    model_g2mins -10 -15 -10
    model_g2maxs 20 15 30
    model_rotation 50
    //model_fovx 75
    model_fovx 50
    //model_fovy 75
    model_fovy 50
    isCharacter 1
    visible 1

    Now, its just sort of slapped haphazardly onto the menu screen with no effort put into making it look pretty (for now), but that's not my issue at the moment. See, my problem is that it shows a texture-less female Twi'lek at all times, instead of showing the character the player has selected.


    I am almost certain that changing "ui_char_model" to something else will give me my desired result (although I could need to do more as well I'm sure), but I'm not sure what exactly I have to change it to, or what else I need to change to get the model to show up.


    I'm new to all this and just trying to get my hands dirty to start learning. I will probably have a lot more questions in the future, but I'd like to play around with things before asking any more. Doesn't hurt to ask though, right?


    Thanks in advance.





    I realize menus are different from the actual source code, but here's hoping someone knows how to do this.


    If I wasn't totally clear in there... I'm trying to do something similar to what JA+ does, where when you select your character model/skin, it displays, similar to the character creation screen.


    Thanks in advance.

  7. as far as i can see in Mb2 assets there is not such thing as a text file where scale is added to it so 

    it is done via a coded line in the source where they add the class specs 

    This brings up another question. I haven't gotten to play around with MBII yet, but by what I've seen, it looks like you can't really add your own skins - although I could be wrong. Is there any way to add your own skins, or only to replace existing ones?


    I'm asking all this because I was thinking of switching from OJP Enhanced to MBII, but its looking a bit like MBII is just a little too restrictive so I might just stick with OJP Enhanced - even if it is kind of dead online. If I could just add model scaling to it I think it'd be ideal.


    Also, I'll check out ClanMod to see if it has model scaling.


    Thanks again everyone. You guys are a great help!

  8. Thank you for the speedy and detailed response.


    I have experience with both C and C++. When I initially wrote this up I had not yet had a chance to look at how these sorts of mods were structured, but upon looking I can see you are most definitely correct.


    With that in mind I am thinking of possibly modifying OJP Enhanced or Basic and adding model scaling to it, but I am not sure where to begin. Do you know of any open-source mods that have such a feature?


    Thanks agian.

  9. Hey guys, I haven't had much time to mess with this, but I'm really curious if anyone can answer some questions regarding Movie Battles II for me. I realize the answers here could be fairly complex, but I'd just like to know if possible.


    1. Is there any way to add bot support to Movie Battles II? If so, what is the simplest method and where do I begin?

    2. Is there any way to add model scaling to it? Again, the easiest method to do so would be nice.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. Welp, since it turned out that the Durge I was looking for was in fact not what I wanted, I guess I'll just say... if anyone is willing to make a non-cartoon Durge, you would make me very happy. I don't expect anyone to do so, but if anyone's feeling up to it, might as well throw it out there.

  11. Okay, I've been scouring the internet for a good, non-cartoon Durge.


    I've found many places online referring to a Durge mod that was apparently on PCGameMods... However, PCGameMods is gone now. I cannot seem to find a link to this Durge mod anywhere.


    Does anyone have the Durge mod that was on PCGameMods? Or perhaps another realistic one (if such a thing exists)?

  12. Hmm... I typed in /modelscale into the console and it did appear to be a command, saying it was set to 100, default 100.


    I tried changing it, but nothing happened. It changed to 75, but the actual size of the model didn't change at all.


    Even if that command does work, though, I'd much rather be able to do something like in JA+ where you list the models and their size changes...

  13. Hey guys, I'm new here, desperately searching for something.


    I need a standalone model scaling mod for Jedi Academy, or at the very least, one that just works with OJP Enhanced.


    I've been scouring the net for any kind of MP model scaling mod that works with OJP, but to no avail. All I can find are other big overhaul mods like JA+ or MBII that have it in by default.


    Does anyone know where I can find this?


    Bonus question, is there anyway for me to put Force Drain and Force Heal back into OJP?

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