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  1. 34 downloads

    The addon allows you to change the player model without leaving the game and without using cheats, play as bots, add allies and opponents, pause the game, while the game can be played far, switch between missions and much more. It was originally created for sharing with the Dark Pastime mod, but then it was adapted for the main game as well. With some minor changes, it is completely similar to the JAmenu addon. Author of the original NumberWan mod Installation - just unzip z_P_chapter1(JAmenu) - update version into the Dark Pastime mod folder.
  2. 24 downloads

    Mod for addon "Nina Anthology", download link will be placed below. The mod adds the functions of changing the player model and the lightsaber, right during the passage of the mission. https://jkhub.org/files/file/4003-nina-anthology/
  3. 35 downloads

    The mod adds to the game a Ragnos sword adapted for use by the player, as well as a similar sword of the ancient Jedi (created by me on the basis of the Ragnos sword).You can get swords by cheating "saber ragnos" or "saber jedi_old".Swords have increased blocking and punching ability. Mod creator - Sovietmann. The mod has been updated: 1) added the scepter of Ragnos, in the version with the extracted sword. You can get a scepter using the cheat "give ragnos_scepter" 2) Edited the glow of the ancient Jedi sword "saber jedi_old"
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This addition, for the addon "Movie Dual2", allows you to pass the following missions in sequence from 2 and 3 episodes:Destroy the Tuscan bandits, fight Count Dooku on Geonosis, and rescue the Chancellor. The battle in the Jedi Temple, the elimination of the separatists on Mustafar and the Battle with Obi-Wan. A modified md_po_sith.bsp map has been separately added to the mod, which connects the missions "Arrest of the Chancellor" and "Attack on the Jedi Temple". You can simply delete it if you wish. Mod creator - Sovietmann. Installation - just unzip Darth Vader - History.ZIP into the Movie Dual 2 addon folder. Note: in addition to the in-game menu, the button for selecting Vader missions has also been added to the second main menu. The only thing that could not be done was to connect, for the sequential loading of the mission "Rescue of the Chancellor" and "Arrest of the Chancellor".
  5. 83 downloads

    A modification of the ESCAPE from YAVIN IV mod, originally made by DARROW LINDER. 1) Changes player models and partially equipment. 2) Adds new weapons. 3) Adds functions from the JAmenu mod to the game. 4) Now does not require installing some files in the base folder. 5) Allows you to start playing both Sith Academy and Escape from Yavin4 from one menu. 6) Allows you to switch between the missions of the Sith Academy and Escape from Yavin4 without leaving the game. 7) Partially changes the scripts related to the player’s Force abilities when completing Escape from Yavin4. Rancors are now allies, but when passing the level 5 map, the rancor still needs to be killed, otherwise the scripts will not work. Note: the game has added what, in my opinion, is the best Sith model - Sith Eradicator
  6. 66 downloads

    1) This small add-on is intended exclusively for use in conjunction with the "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" mod. 2) “Bypasses” the weapon selection menu, thereby allowing you to start any mission with any level of Force proficiency. 3) Installation - simply copy the file zzzz_ja_enhanced - (SovietmannForceMenu).pk3 to the folder with the installed "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" mod.
  7. Version new version


    The addon replaces earlier versions of add-ons from my "JAmenu" series. Mod сreator - Sovietmann. Features are in the description below. Addon allows without leaving the game without using cheats: 1) change the player model 2) play as main npc 3) add both opponents and allies 4) pause the game, while missions can be completed as usual, only all npc characters will be "frozen" 4) choose the side of the Force 5) take an additional energy weapon 6) switch between missions 7) and other little things.... Note: if you want to get an energy weapon, then you first need to select a "melee" weapon, and then, for example, a flamethrower.
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