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  1. @Noodlestill low quality, but clarifies the color of the second image. I also typed out a description above. Thanks!
    This looks great! Amazing work. I'd love to see more acolyte characters like Sol, Yord, and the sith in the future.
  2. @Noodlethank you for the reply! I will work on trying to find a higher quality picture. (It is hard because the film wasn't very high quality). In the meantime, I will describe the costume because it is pretty basic. A short pudgy guy with a basic imperial stormtrooper helmet. Red shirt with black sleeves (actor wore red t shirt over black shirt). Belt with khaki pants and black shoes. It doesn't have to be exact, I will try to find a better image. Thanks!
  3. Here is a strange mod request. This is a character from a fan film I made with my friends when I was a kid. If someone makes it, base it off of the pictures bellow. A simple spawn code like "playermodel retrodesioun" would work great.
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