Version 1.3.0
{JoF} Memorial Grounds
Map created by Perso
In memory of Diego.
Best played with R_DynamicGlow 1 !
Credits to:
- Aldro Koon & the JoF Map team for several textures and models
- Szico VII for his insane Map Modelpack ( )
- AngelModder allowing me to use his library shader texture ( Thanks B) )
Fixed Teleport positions from the TPs room at Spawn
Enhanced the PortalSky Beam
Added a bolt effect to the PortalSkyBeam
Added a rotating cloud to the end of the PortalSkyBeam
Enhanced button that activates the ceremony
Added a small personal ( no pun intended ) secret B)
Removed unecessary files in the pk3 coming from the original assets that could crash people
Adjusted PortalSky Height
Fixed Caulk in the Cavern Entrance
Fixed Bad Triangles from Diego's Statue in the Main Hall
Added Info_player_Intermission ( Spectator Default View / End of map View )