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Everything posted by tinny

  1. Hey everyone, I imported the glm and specified the gla and frames of the animation I wanted to use as the base of a new animation. On import whenever I translate the object it translates it for all the other frames as well. I'm guessing I'm missing something simple, what options do a I toggle to only translate the model one frame at a time? Thanks!
  2. Thanks man! This looks spectacular, it's obvious the author put a lot of love into the mod. That would be cool to do a collaboration in the future.
  3. Thanks man! That game definitely needs way more recognition.
  4. Hi St. Ivan! I've been out of the modding loop for a decade or so but started picking it up during quarantine. By MD2 do you mean the Movie Duels team? If so their mod is more multiplayer and mine is single player. The code I've written wouldn't port over well plus if you're gaming with others they might get annoyed if everyone slows down in time if only a few people keep doing shoot dodges. Thank you so much for the compliments!
  5. This is pretty cool, you mentioned it's an extraction objective for siege. Will that involve the prisoner from the show?
  6. Edit Jan/2021 - new trailer released here: Hey everyone! First time poster and long time lurker here and hope you are doing well. I love Jedi Outcast but before you get your lightsaber and force powers the early levels felt really bland. Around the same time JO was released, another one of my favorite games came out called Max Payne which had a gameplay feature called shoot dodging. Inspired by cinematography from John Woo movies, the staple of the game was you could temporarily slow down time and dive while shooting which provided tons of defensive and offensive capabilities during gun fights. I've implemented some of it but it still requires a lot of polish. ETA is Christmas of this year:
  7. You can make JA/GLA animations in blender?
  8. tinny

    JO/JA coop

    That makes perfect sense, thanks Xycaleth!
  9. tinny

    JO/JA coop

    Hey guys, so Raz0r mentioned that a new coop branch of OpenJK is here: https://github.com/Razish/OpenJK/tree/coop Does this branch get updated by the main OpenJK branch? Also i think i remember Eezstreet saying that fixes to get sp working in mp as GT_SINGLE_PLAYER were considered legit fixes, why have a separate branch when it can be committed in the main OpenJK branch?
  10. So i spoke to Raz0r and Ensiform yesterday. I came from the angle of being able to port sp code more easily and they convinced me c++ is not a good idea because of template programming which is really the main feature of cpp being used in the sp code causing slow downs in build speed which hurts dev/modding time.
  11. Hmmm... what were the reasons? I'm sure they know the JA really well, just interested in why it'd be a problem. Also is it cool if i get a link to the branch? I'd like to play around with it.
  12. I talked with some of you guys about this before.. but did you guys want to vote on converting JA MP code to C++? I could list some of the pros that most of you are aware of like classes, template programming etc, and cons being you can't use void pointers and negligible build and run time performance loss. I'm in favorite of it because of the features and being able to port fixes and features between sp and mp MUCH more easily. If we vote yes i'm willing to make a branch and do the grunt work and if it works merge it back in. Would you guys just want to vote on the board or in the irc channel.. or not at all ?
  13. Sounds good d00d! I'm guessing the channel is the one in your sig: irc.quakenet.org/#jactf ?
  14. I wonder if a vote can be done to use C++, there are just so many features already out and coming out that are so handy without much performance loss at all.
  15. A lot of the SP Ai code is in C++. Will you guys copy them over and do a cpp call from c like so: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4011872/how-can-i-call-a-c-function-from-c or convert everything to pure c? Sorry for my billion questions I'd like to help out in the coop part
  16. Guys, so Raven sort of tried to port SP ai code to MP but it's sorta half baked in and glitchy. Is it considered "game changes" and not allowed in OpenJK if we fix that and start porting things from SP to MP that are borken like ai and model loading or would that be legitimate fixes for OpenJK?
  17. Hi Guys, awesome job with OpenJK and glad this is a community project . Opening up the git source i had a few recommendations for clean up. One is folder renaming. Just to make sure everyone is clearer on what the different folders contain maybe clearer names would aid in people coming on board or just anyone if their brain's slowed down into the wee hours of the night coding. For example: code --> JASP codeJk2 --> JK2SP codemp --> JAMP I'm guessing those are the right mappings. I'd also like to start helping with bug fixes maybe, i used to mod the heck out of this game back in the day: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Old_School_Mod;36431 But if you want a limited amount of people operating on the repository that's cool. Anyways, happy modding!
  18. Getting the source to work with elite force is a brilliant idea, i loved that game so much. Eezstreet, quick question. Is OpenJK built on top of Open Jedi Project? That had years of bug fixes in the already released portions of the game so would save the community a lot of effort . Man, the opening up of the source is so exciting!
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