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  1. I've just read Darth Vader and the Lost Command, and I really liked the design of Grandmaster Anakin from Vader's visions about the AU where he killed Palpatine. How difficult would it be to make such skin for JA?
  2. Oh, I recognise this place from your Infinities story. Good work!
  3. I think JA and especially large mods like Galactic Legacy could use extra generic Jedi and Sith. I wish I had necessary skills to make the JA adaptations of these SWGB units. But I guess it can be easy with Sith Master (color-swapped and head-swapped Palpatine), Jedi Master (head-swapped Ben Kenobi) and Sith Knight (head-swapped Darth Maul), the other three have some unique designs. Also, adding RGB details would be perfect and add even more diversity.
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