That's a really cool detail. I figured that mind trick had to be a thing (which is great, it needed some non-combat use for the sake of immersion), but not the third one. More paths add a little bit of roleplaying flavor.
As for the AI voice, that makes sense. I was probably a bit oversensitive because I was actively listening for any possible mistakes in my own proofreading. Of course, the AI can't quite match a real actor's performance, but overall, the cutscenes are IMO already better than the base game's. Even without Nar Shaddaa, they would be enough to make this an essential mod for me. They actually make me feel like Rosh is Jaden's friend (and maybe the only friend) as opposed to a random douchebag I have no reason to care about - which makes me feel invested in the story.
(Also, my issue with the datapads indeed turned out to be with some other mods containing menu files, and were fixed by manually editing those pk3 files. So nothing to fix on your end.)
I kill the two criminals on the dock (who, by the way, draw their weapons as if to attack you but don't actually turn hostile - intentional?) and feel kind of badly about doing it. I assume the second way would be to use Mind Trick, but I never pick that power. I also noticed there's an air duct that I couldn't figure out the purpose of, I guess that's the third?
Also, I played the game again, and noticed that some of the cutscene dialogue and subtitles now don't match - I guess you used my proofread version for the subtitles but only some of the voice lines. I don't think there's any glaring errors in either the text or dialogue, but it's a slight incongruency. Additionally, I noticed I made a mistake with my own proofreading (because I was just reading the files instead of watching the cutscenes): the line starting with "No, I mean... It's a lightsaber" in t1_inter0 should be "the lightsaber". Super minor stuff, just mentioning them since you intend to do at least one more release.
I updated to the latest version of OpenJK, which I assume should include the patch? If that is not the problem, then it probably is just a mod incompatibility.
This is great. Nar Shaddaa looks beautiful (in a Nar Shaddaa kind of way), the new cutscenes are well directed and feel like they fit the story like they should always have been there. They give JA the sort of story experience the previous games had, but without being too obtrusive. The AI voices sound surprisingly good as well.
Some criticism: the dialogue has a lot of grammatical errors and awkward language, as though maybe not written by a native English speaker. It's not a huge deal, but it could be tweaked to match the quality of the overall presentation. Also, I didn't get any story info from the datapads (error message: CG_CenterPrint: cannot find reference '@MENUS_DATAPADTOOLTIP' in StringPackage!). Maybe this is my fault, the description did say something about needing a caexan_gui.pk3 - I have no idea what that is or where to get it.
All in all, I had to register to say that this is an excellent addition to the game, and for me, a mandatory mod from now on.