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  1. Seems like some npc spawns are broken with this mod? Mayhaps the issue is on my end, but was just curious if anyone else was seeing the same thing. For me thus far, Weequays and Tuskens throw a "Couldn't spawn NPC [entitynamehere]" error in the levels they're meant to show up in. Tried with JA:Enhanced and OpenJK. Yeah, some other mod I had that added extra playermodels/npcs was doin it. Carry on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having finished this, I like some of the the added story content. Really makes me want a remake of Jedi Academy even more that actually expands upon the player character's relationship with Rosh and everyone else. Also liked the first part of the new T2 mission. Was pleasantly surprised to see mind trick serve a purpose in that level. That said... the sewer section after is absolutely goddamn awful. Spending swathes of time just mindlessly wandering through copypasted rooms trying to find the "right" way to go was boring, and then having to follow a droid for what felt like 10 minutes all the way back to unlock a door... I don't see many people willingly replaying this level in its current form. Regardless, thanks for the hard work and effort. Hope you'll keep improving it.
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