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Posts posted by NAB622

  1. 2 hours ago, Botdra said:

    I think it may be because I was editing the shader then loading the .bsp again, instead of fully exiting JA.

    Actually, that's okay to do for most edits.

    Certain things like lightmaps have to be compiled, so recompile your map and reload the level in-game, and you should see the changes. That's probably why it suddenly started working for you.

  2. Here's what I would do.....

    I would make the candle flames a separate texture on a pure black background, add them as a separate stage to your shader, and use blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE on them so they blend properly with the environment.

    For the candlesticks, remove the blendFunc, and use an alphaFunc to mask them.

    I haven't written shaders in forever, so I can't write an example, but if memory serves, the landing pad texture at the center of mp/ffa5 is a great example of alphaFunc in action if you need it.

  3. /developer 1 is a CVar that needs manually typed into the in-game console, not added to the script. It will show the execution of the script as it goes, making troubleshooting much easier.


    7 minutes ago, undeadslayer said:

    Would it help you to see what script the original DF Mod  did?

    It likely won't help me very much, but it could help someone more experienced with single player scripts to determine the problem. If you're using something as a template, I would suggest reverting to that method, since ultimately I'm just shooting from the hip.

    The suggestion for /developer 1 and the print blocks remains a good idea, though.

  4. I don't work with single player, so this might be wrong, but I believe you can remove the "Affect" block, and check the "runonactivator" flag on the target_scriptrunner. I can verify that it does work that way in multiplayer.

    To further troubleshoot, I would add a few print blocks to the script, set /developer 1 in-game, and see if the prints show up in the console. That should help you determine exactly where the failure is.

  5. Assuming SoundGroup is not a thing.....a simple script and a series of target_speaker entities is 100% the cleanest way to go.


    If you want to set up an entity system to play random sounds without a script, use some kind of a trigger (I'll use trigger_once here), target_delay, target_random and target_relay.

    target_delay <--------|
          |               |
          |-------> target_relay
          |               |             |
          v               v             v
    target_speaker  target_speaker   target_speaker


    Target_delay has a random key, use that to create your randomization.


    Edit: A side effect of this setup is that the trigger_once will also trigger the target_random, since they'll end up with the same targetname. All it will do is trigger a sound immediately before the delay takes place, so it's not a problem, just something to be aware of.

  6. Target_speaker is buggy as hell. Several of the parameters don't work. I don't think the wait key does anything on them, either.

    You might be better off using target_delay or a script to fire it every few seconds or whatever. In fact, if you're looking for random sounds, that wouldn't be a bad idea, in my opinion.


    I've never heard of SoundGroup before....is that even a thing in Jedi Outcast/Academy?? It looks like your Radiant is set up for Voyager: Elite Force, judging by the Borg reference. Try changing it to Jedi Academy and see what happens.

  7. For numerous reasons, don't edit a PK3 directly. Use a project folder to contain your mod, and create a new PK3 when you want to test it.

    Or  if you want, you can start the game with sv_pure 0 and it will also load assets directly from the base folder as well, which is great for testing mods.

    I've never heard of files going missing from a PK3, but due to the nature of how ZIP files work, it is a bad idea to ever edit one. I've seen them bloat for no reason, and I've seen them take forever to do a simple edit. Never seen files go missing, but it wouldn't surprise me.

  8. My recommendation: make the shaft any shape you like, but make the door square. The physics engine in JA will bug out like crazy if you try to rotate a cylindrical door around the player. Believe me, I've tried. It's not worth the effort.

    If you want to time the movement of the door with the elevator, you may want to look into scripting the movement.


    Edit: As far as cutting the shaft, you're probably looking for the clipper tool. If the button is missing or you can't find it, press X.

  9. As far as MP3 goes, it looks like you're doing everything correctly.


    After thinking about it for a second.....you said this is a sound effect, right? Try exporting it as a WAV file. MP3 is meant for music, and sounds should be WAV.

  10. 9 hours ago, Showersinging said:

    In the program itself it seems that the hertz count is in fact 44100.

    This is highly unlikely, as most video media is sampled at 48000 hz or higher. As far as I know, 44100 hz is only used for CDs these days.

    That said, if you are exporting from Audacity, make sure the project (Not the audio) is set to 44100 hz, or it will automatically resample to something else on you. The project sample rate can be found in the bottom left corner of the screen.


    9 hours ago, Showersinging said:

    I tried to also use the online audio converter instead which gave me the "Source file is stereo" error message.

    Are you splitting the stereo track to mono before exporting it? This might help:


    If none of the above helps, post a screenshot of your file in Audacity, and we'll try and dissect the problem.

  11. You may want to look up how to create custom shaders, it will help tremendously.

    You'll have to find which shader file contains the parameters for that shader and check it manually. I think if you shift+click it in the texture window, Radiant should open the associated shader in Notepad or whatever. If the shader is not nonsolid (And it probably isn't), copy it into a custom shader of your own and edit it however you need.

    Also, if you do create one, don't forget to add it to shaderlist.txt and restart Radiant so you can see it.

  12. 9 minutes ago, undeadslayer said:

    With the nodraw on the other side, isn't nonsolid. Is there a specific compile option that will make this nonsolid?

    There are no compile options, it is simply a matter of using nonsolid shaders.

    My understanding of it is that during compile, q3map2 will pick a random face from each brush and use that face's nonsolid property. So if you want to ensure the brush is nonsolid every time, all 6 faces of the brush must use a nonsolid shader. Nodraw fits the bill for the non-visible sides. Make sure your force field has a shader with surfaceparm nonsolid in it.

  13. Sound files must be mono, and I think they have to be sampled at 44.1 KHz.

    Surfaceparms are all applied in shaders, outside of Radiant.

    Also, if you are trying to make a nonsolid wall, make sure all non-visible sides of it use textures/system/nodraw. This will ensure it is always nonsolid when your map is compiled, and it will prevent the nonsolid sides from culling adjacent planes, making visible holes in the map.

  14. On Windows Vista and above, you have to right-click Radiant and choose "Run as administrator" or it will be unable to save map files. I haven't tried it on Windows 10, since I no longer use Windows.

    Also, your entity list looks fine, nothing to worry about. You'll likely only use a handful of the misc_ entities anyway.

  15. 1 hour ago, KyleFan said:

    I tried adding in "_keeplights" "1" to the worldspawn. First I thought it worked because it said "0 light entities have been stripped" but nothing changed, even though the light entities are still in the entity list.

    Wait.....For some reason I was thinking you used misc_bsp. If all you did was add a target_level_change, where did you add it on the entity list? I think depending on where you put it, it might change which entity is linked to the lightmap, and that would definitely break all switched lights.

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