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Everything posted by TriForce

  1. yes i know is jan ors. was only an example, thx dude for the fix
  2. yes i know, the problem isnt the bot, im not saying "oh, i cant add jan" jan is not my problem, im talking about "is adding a client if the bot doesnt exist", if i put "/addbot iuwqeyiqwyue" i adding a bot, this cant be possible, need to be fixed
  3. Hello, i recently detected a problem when u add non defined bots, like /rcon addbot jan, and says Error: bot 'jan' not defined... after this error, the "client" is added bypassing the error. and was added as an invisible client (taking a clientnumber). if i set /rcon status, i can see the bots i added with the error. there is a screenshot:
  4. yes. yesterday some guys fixed it when i asked them. thx!
  5. OK i found something. the problem appears when i change between light and dark force sides... aplying point for some forces.. i think the problem is in the "forcechanged" function. because i deleted my openjk.cfg (generated automatically) and i can use forcenext, prev and use. but if i change the forceside from light and dark - and dark to light, and if i apply (appearing the double message "your changes will be applied after......") the problem appears again, i cant use anymore forcenext,prev and use. (obiously when my changes get applied) if i delete again the openjk.cfg generated with the problem, i can use the controls again (because there is no force changes) i attached two configs generated (the 1st with no changes, and the 2nd with changes in the force like i explained) WORKING:¨ NOT WORKING:
  6. yes, only force use, next and prev doesnt work, if i bind a simple force in a button works fine (bind E force_push)
  7. we are ok with the emotes, only works on duel mode. but about the force buttons, these doesnt work... im binding from the game menu, also i tried manually (/bind X command) this doesnt work: +useforce , forceprev, forcenext if i delete the clientside (cgamex86.dll) of openJK, works fine ... idk what im doing bad... i downloaded directly from raz0r's github and compiled with no changes.
  8. yes. i recently downloaded the openjk source from ur github, i didnt modified anything and i compiled fine. i put all files i need into my jka folder and everything loaded fine. but that problem appears. i cant use force use,next and prev... if i delete the cgamex86.dll (compiled from openjk) works fine, is the reason i mentioned, the problem is with the clientside from openjk about the emotes, im not doing in duelmode, only "taunt" is working
  9. Hi, i recently compilid the openJK project for MP and im having problem, i cant use force next, force use and force prev , idk why, i deleted the clientside (cgame) and working , thats mean the problem is there... any ways to fix it? someone did? PD: Also the emotes "blow, meditate, flourish, gloat" doesnt work thx
  10. i dont need to learn, i fixed entire the original jk2 source to compile (including the jk2 v0.54)... so i asked there because the normal fixs for jk3 didnt work in the original jk3 sourcecode.. well i dont need more that, im using the openJK source to start my proyect.
  11. wheres that? i cant found. y only found cg_xcvar.h and g_cvar.h , but there are the normal cvars, not the new things like cl_jk2, screenshot_png, etc... also i found something in tr_init.cpp but idk if is all new things.
  12. i tried the openJK source, but i didnt found a command or cvar list, i only know some. for example the com_jk2 or screenshot_png ... where i can find the new cvars ? are in the code there commented? like ...stuff... //OPENJK PD: what i need to run jk2? i need rename jk2 assets (to what?) and use com_jk2 ? i hope u guys can help me...
  13. i decide to use openJK, works fine. thx.
  14. so... i only need some modifications on the jamp.exe, and some on the main dll's (game, cgame and ui) openJK have alot of another stuff, i want use the original one. what visual c++ was used in the jka sdk? PD: well if is rly hard i will use the openJK one, but idk how to use, i downloaded but i dont know how to use the cmake and the anothers things. i hope u guys can help me (if i use the normal sdk or openJK)
  15. Hi, i want some help, i need to compile the JKA source code, ¿what i need to do? i know how to compile the full JK2 code, i did the same steps i did in JK2 source (renaming powf, some typedef, etc...) but isnt compiling in JKA. ¿What i need to use? Operative System? VC++ Version? modify something in the code? Thx.
  16. I sent him an email in 2008 asking for the melee code in the hydroball source code for jk2, and he replied me that he lost their own mod sources because his hard drive was burned and explode (where was all sources). rly sad.
  17. i really want support the JO 1.05 development, i had that idea in 2008, starting with a full option to choose the gameplay in the game ( cvar /gameplay <version - 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04>) and i got it working good.
  18. this is simply amazing, there are new posibilities, JO coders (including me) are really happy because we sent a lot of request to ravensoft (specially Mr.Monroe) about releasing full JO source. imagine this, "Unofficial Jedi Knight 4" omg But! is really sad about LucasArts closing
  19. TriForce


    this works for jk2?
  20. that is in viewpos, viewpos shows you X Y Z YAW, (yaw is the angle where are u looking) if u are looking to the sky in someplace for example will give u: "100 200 150 45" and if ure looking to the ground "100 200 150 -10" , the last value will change, thats is u wanted.
  21. hah ok, well, any ideas to fsolve the demo issue?
  22. lol sorry, i edited: The problem: Cant press any key during demo playback, if a key is pressed, the demo is closed. PD: are u wonko the sane from jk2? lol
  23. I need help to fix the issue when i press a key during demo playback in JK2, The problem: Cant press any key during demo playback, if a key is pressed, the demo is closed. i heard that can be solved using dll hook to modify the function CL_KeyEvent() (where the key detection is defined), i think that is the only way to get working. ¿Anyone can help me to get this working on JK2?
  24. Hi everyone, im Matias Silva, also known as Tr!Force (tri-force) im 23 yrs old, from Chile (Southamerica) and im a JK2 Mod Developer, and i recently joined this community because there is some friends and i think this website is better than jk2files... Some people known who i am (in jk2 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04), if u dont know me, im the lead coder...well the only coder :-( of the mod called "Jedi Knight Plus" for 1.03 & 1.04, if u dont know what the fuck is that, please read the readme. http://jk2.gznetwork.com/JKplus2.0_Readme.txt , or watch this OLD video (2011) recorded by a friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6eg-EQltjg PD: I Recently back to coding, the mod isnt released yet. Greetings to all
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