Version v3.0
- JK II FX Mod 3.0 -
Graphic overhaul for Jedi Outcast, with new effects for environment of the levels, weapons and characters for singleplayer/multiplayer modes.
First: ALWAYS RUN THE GAME AS ADMINISTRATOR. Copy "assets8_Fx" and autoexec.cfg* files into "Star Wars Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast\GameData\
base" folder in your Jedi Outcast folder.
*You can choose autoexec file for 4:3 or 16:9 widescreen, it definitely fixes video options and gun
positions in single and multiplayer.
For WIDESCREEN resolutions you also need to set manually r_mode “-1”,
r_customheight “1080” and r_customwidth “1920” or superior values (quotes works only in the
autoexec, in the console you don’t need them!!)
FX is now for single and multiplayer modes. ( HIGHLY RECOMMENDED USE jk2mv mod for MP and Expanded Menu)
Ingame example: