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  1. It was me and KaiStagon. Its all in the read-me. Just havent heard from him in 2 years so I posted it under my name. lol. and Thanks Omega.
  2. Version v2


    Here is version 2 of my Simpson's Springfield Maps. Only 8 years in the making! With a new layout, a scavenger hunt, gags from the show, and lots of indoor areas to explore. Any Simpsons fan will love this map!
  3. Thanks MoonDog, I might of been able to fix it. The cut outs of the characters had a shader with nonsolid and the rest of the brush i used nodraw_solid. So I edited the shader and changed the nodraw to chaulk. Havnt got that error in the last 2 BSPs, so we will see if it continues to work. I've made some mini maps with the same lay out with basic items to test different hint brushes. Seems to work in the mini maps but when i apply the same type in my map, it doesnt want to work the same... I'm almost ready to just submit it as is to get it out there, and then maybe try to make a new layout and stuff to get a better FPS map, but no idea how long that will take. Jango, thats just a copy of the Country maps from ShroomDuck. You can get the Homer model and Duffman model on their own. PS. if anyone plays the Simpsons Tapped Out game on their iPhone, add me as a neighbour --> aka_kahn
  4. My distancecull is at the default. From my understanding, and i might be wrong, but making it lower will make u see less and make the farther items disappear into the sky texture right? I can see when i turn on r_showtris 1, it is still drawing everything even if i cant see it after its disappeared into the sky texture. I keep trying new hint brushes but lately i keep getting the annoying error of SV_SetBrushModel: NULL when i load the map. Ive done brush clean up, selected my whole my, inverted the selection and deleted everything else. Pressed L to make sure there wasnt any entries with no brushes. I get it working then the next bsp it comes back... Making me annoyed i have to bsp it again to try out the new VIS.
  5. Looks like some of the last posts were deleted. So I did do some editing for that view last night. Here is a top view of my map to show VIS stuff; This is the version i sent you guys (also have a side view in the top right corner showing i have a hint brush touching the top of the clifts going to both sides) Solid Black is Structure; ie, Clifts Blue Lines is VIS Lines i drew in Transparent blue is a Hint brush. (i have lots more but that just a main one)(The bigger hint brush there is actually from the ground to the top of the clift, then i have the one from the top of the clift to the top of the map as in the side view in the top corner) So i then made the duff beer plant a structure and taller, and i'm hoping for the VIS to be like this; Red block= Duff Beer I'm really hoping this will prevent the views going straight through it adding to the low FPS. Still have to try to prevent the long one from corner to corner, Might make the center buildings taller to add a divider in it. Just have to figure out best spots to put the Hint brushes to make it work. I did bsp with this and it still seems to be drawing behind the duff plant still for some reason...I thought i had it all figured out...
  6. i'll send u the latest version omega
  7. Darn really? I'm now getting between 30-90, no more 10 or 15fps like before.... I can see if i can improve it more but will take time.
  8. So I think I'm close to releasing my second version of Springfield and going to post some preview pictures to see what you all think. So, theres a few teaser pictures
  9. Cool, you 3 able to message me ur e-mail address and i'll send it once i get it all into 1 file
  10. well I will show this image, If you know what its from, than I want you as a beta tester so you will get all the items i have put into the map
  11. Im close to finishing what most likely be the last map I release and am just looking for some people to test it out before I do. It will be version 2 of one of my previous maps.
  12. Kahn

    Rosh Rage


    This is Rosh Penin who has turned evil for good. With his fire hair and dark red for the colour skin of his clothes, he looks even more evil. Also, he has a fire pheniox on his left sholder, fire eyebows and the light brown cloth on his sholders has been removed to make it look for like armor. This is my first JA skin and I dont think it will be the last. This skin is based on the Rosh Penin skin/model. This skin will also replace the Rosh skin in the game to make him look what i think is a bit kooler. Thx to my friend Super Man for helping with it.
  13. Kahn

    Swoop Racer


    This is the Human Merc model. I was planing on useing this model to make a armor skin but then after starting the armor, it looked more and more like motor cross protection so i turned it into a Swoop Rider. There is a Red and Blue version in this pack. The only difference between the blue and normal, it is the cloth from his waist . This skin took me about 3 days to make( i was doing other things like studing for my exams). I hope to make a new version with bot support and new sounds if i find any that fit the skin. This is about my 3rd JA skin and I think one of my best. I hope you all like it. This was the Human Merc model and the rest of the textures or mine
  14. 288 downloads

    This map is loosely based on the Jedi Council GC map form JK2. In the main area, there are 4 duel rooms, one interigation room, and one Armory. Also a bar to sit back and relax. Threw the main doors, to the left, is a medical room to be healed. To the right are the bedrooms to rest and watch some good old tv. And straight is the main duel room with stands to watch, also a VIP room for the high power followers of Kahn and Neo. There is also an elevator going to the basement threw the min doors. In the basement, right outside of the elevator doors, there is a dungeon with many dead council members who betrayed Kahn and Neo. If you go right around the corner, there is a duel circle after jumping up the pillars like in the Jedi Council GC map. Finally, all the way around the corner is the Sith Council room. This is an area for clans to talk. There are benches and tables to sit back and relax and talk. There is a secret cave somewhere that leads to the tomb of Kahn and Neo. Have fun finding the entrance and the way threw the maze. Also, if you have played the RJ_Sublime map, you know about their control center. I loved the idea and added one here too. There are three switched. One to close off the bar, one to hide/show the signs on all doors, and one to transform a room. There are some areas that have low lighting but I am not the best with lighting yet. There are so many area to play so I hope you have fun and I hope to put out another version with all the suggestions that you have/will give me. After so many people where asking for the Jedi Council GC Map for jk2 brought to JA, I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own with a Sith feel to it. IN the .ZIP file, you will find the history behind the map and maybe some inside info to the entrance of the caves. This map was created from scratch and I never edited the Jedi Council GC .map file. This map has took about a good month to get how I want it too. There are some areas that have low lighting but i am not the best with lighting yet. There are so many area to play so I hope you have fun and I hope to put out another version with all the suggestions that you have/will give me.
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