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Everything posted by Boots

  1. 349 downloads

    A blue neon themed cursor for the main menu. has transparent elements. install instructions via the readme provided with the download.
  2. 61 downloads

    A simple Blue circuit styled theme for the side bar left and right on the main menu of the game, nothing more nothing less. Install PK3 via instructions provided with the download. Tested via EternalJK
  3. 38 downloads

    A simple replacement for the old Splash screen when you launch the game as well as a pre map loadscren, not to everyones taste was more a first attempt id thought id share. Install instructions are per the readme as sometimes this one can be a pain.
  4. Boots


    I use boots for JA+ and base // Sella for RP, but i go by Boots on a day to day basis. hope that helps clarify things a little.
  5. 59 downloads

    Assorted Console Pack by Ḅööẗṩ ------------------------------------- Installation ------------- Simply place one of the PK3 file into the Base directory. To remove it simply delete or move the file from the same directory. Other mods that replace consoles more than likely will not work with this mod. Description ----------- A few consoles to replace the ingame default. Simply pick one of the PK3's to place into your base and you're good to go. Versions: Yoda Green Kylo Red Trooper Blue
  6. Salutations, I thought after many years id finally create an account here, since i seem to lurk most days but never really comment or bring anything to the table. Some of you may know me, i'd imagine the vast majoirty wont. I joined JKA around 2013' as many did ended up in numerious clans mostly JA+ clans such as EJO/AZ/EFF. I do try my hand at other things however and like to experiment as such ive joined RPing (JAO) and began trying to modify the game like so many of you have done awesomely at. Im from England... yes one of those ignorant brits drat!! , im a family man having two children a son and a daughter. My main focus on the game is primarily getting better, ive a lot of bad habbits and im trying to break them, dont get me wrong i dont want to be ESL champion now, im just talking mechanically sound enough to last more than a minuite and a half in a race to 10 ? Anyhow hope to see and chat with some of you soon. -Boots/Sella (Formally known as: Serenity/Valkrye (2013), (Kirito/Irisa 2013-2019')
  7. 23 downloads

    A simpe font pack replacer for chat - Seaside resort font. Place PK3 into the /Base/ directory to install, remove it to uninstall.
  8. 26 downloads

    Installation: Simply place the PK3 into the /Base/ directory. to remove it delete. Description: I decided to try my hand at some MP Icons for seige and the like, these icons are heavy modifications of Angel Souls "Team Icons HD" they feature Dragons, Ying/Yang and magic circles. Not really Canon more of a novelty mod. Note: Probably wont work with other Icon modifications.
  9. 67 downloads

    Installation: Simply place PK3 file into the /Base/ directory. To remove simply delete it. Description: A simple flaming dragon themed radar. no more... no less. Note: May not work with other radar modifications.
  10. 30 downloads

    Installation: Simply place PK3 file into the /Base/ Folder of your game, to remove simply delete the file. Description: A simple celtic cross cursor. Note: Will more than likely not work alongside other cursor modifications.
  11. 95 downloads

    Installation: Simply place pk3 into the /Base/ Folder, to remove simply delete it. Description: One of the first cusors i had done, a simple glitch looking cursor. Note: Will not work if there are other cursor modifications.
  12. 16 downloads

    Installation: Simply place pk3 into the /Base/ folder, to remove it delete the file. Description: Another font pack, this time cruso with a dropped shadow. Note: May not work with other font modifications.
  13. 18 downloads

    Installation: Simply place PK3 in /Base/ Folder, delete to remove it. Description: Beauty and Beast fonts another random font creation. Note: May not work alongside other font modifications
  14. 42 downloads

    Installation: Simply place PK3 into the /Base/ folder. to remove..delete it. Description: Thought id try some fonts, this was the fist i'd tried. its currently only for chat as i wasnt keen on changing the console font.
  15. 169 downloads

    Installation: Simply Place the PK3 file into the /Base/ folder. To remove simply delete. Description: A few crosshairs i decided to trying and add into jka, hope someone gets some use out of them ^_^ Notes: I've only tested these with EternalJK but im assuming they should be fine for most, they are simply your 1-6 crosshairs which you can switch via the game menu or using command.
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