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Annubis1991's Achievements

  1. Maybe silly question but will you release the first map someday?
  2. Anything new on this so far?
  3. Well, you could try to add an outdoor to it and it'll be better than the original (sorry for my english )
  4. (*I am sorry for my english* besides this will be a very short request / suggestion ) Since the source code was released I am wondering if someone could make a modyfication (full open source and ofc when JA Coders finish their job) for jk3. I mean... recreate force powers from game "Mysteries of the Sith" to JK3. I've always wanted to see how this stuff will work on jk3, and with open source i think it is all possible... well what do you think? Edit: I forgot.. i mean for SP and MP ofc ;> ;P
  5. I really want to see a new efects like for example a new force powers.. or disabling saber underwater in mp... and stuff like that.. this is great news... i count on you all and i hope this will bring some people back to the "old" school jk3
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