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Everything posted by jereth

  1. There are a few things about Radiant that are infuriating! Yeah level 13 was the Executor. I was never impressed with that level in the original DF game, it stuck out as poorly done compared to all the others. I recall seeing that quite a lot of Jabba's ship had been constructed by the DFMOD team -- did you build on top of their work?
  2. Thanks. So which were the 2 levels that you got started on? I saw your thread about DFMOD and the screenshots and it looked like you had done a whole lot more than that! The only other level that I have an interest in re-creating is the Fuel Station. Jabba's Ship really deserves to be made, but I lack the interest. If you're willing to let me look at your .map files, I'd love to see them. I'm more than happy to share my .map files with you too. The Robotics one is really quite rudimentary, it would need a fair amount of work to make it as nice looking as the 6 maps in DFMOD. I agree the job will never be properly finished, but it's fun anyway.
  3. Hi everyone I've done a partial remake of the Dark Forces Imperial City level. It starts at the entrance of the main building and ends as Kyle descends into the computer core. There is no Boba Fett fight (sorry!). Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nzg8gxq470kmsy3/DF_Impcity.zip?dl=0 Last year, I remade the whole Robotics Facility (level 8 of Dark Forces) as a playable map. You can download it here. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3544-df-robotics-facility-remake/ These maps were inspired by DFMOD, which recreated the first 6 levels of Dark Forces for the Jedi Academy engine. In this map I have used several hi res textures from the DFMOD project. I'm calling this a WIP because the map is incomplete, but I don't have any current plans to go further with it. ------------------ To install ------------------ A. Unzip the contents of DF_Impcity.zip into your GameData directory. (It should create a subdirectory called DF_Impcity) B. Run Jedi Academy, single player mode. C. Go into Setup, click on "Mods", and select DF_Impcity D. Type "map impcity" into the console (shift + ~ to open console) ---------------------- Screenshots ---------------------- https://www.dropbox.com/s/tie3ulxz2tl9a6q/impcity.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e8nuc8whbuemz1/shot0001.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/twxdpawdco0egmy/shot0002.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wl6van8abjc1hf6/shot0003.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cy0a00h7jeqx4k8/shot0005.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wya9xxges24tbz2/shot0006.jpg?dl=0
  4. Thanks for the compliment @TheWhitePhoenix. Are there other people out there who are interested? It would be a big project. I'm probably interested in doing a couple more DF maps (Imperial City and Fuel Station interest me), but not all 8.
  5. It's now available for d/l on JKHub (thanks guys) https://jkhub.org/files/file/3544-df-robotics-facility-remake/
  6. Thanks. It was a fun little project.
  7. 404 downloads

    Dark Forces Robotics Facility - Remade for Jedi Academy Release date March 2019 Author jereth How to install Unzip the contents of DF_Robotics.zip into your GameData directory. Run Jedi Academy, single player mode. Go into Setup, click on "Mods", and select DF_Robotics Type "map robotics" into the console (shift + ~ to open console) About This is my first complete mod for the Jedi Outcast / Jedi Academy games. It has given me an opportunity to learn how to create JA maps with GtkRadiant, write scripts, make shaders. The textures are mostly crude imports directly from Dark Forces and are therefore low-res and not very nice looking. Map brushwork is mostly low in detail and I have not put a huge amount of effort into lighting. The aim was to create a complete, playable level on a small time budget. I hope that people still find it enjoyable and nostalgic. Credits Thank you to the makers of the DFMOD for the switch textures... and for the inspiration.
  8. Okay. The level is ready to play. I've called it a "beta" but I'm not sure I'll be making any future versions. It all depends. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgon8oz03c5qu1z/DF_Robotics.zip?dl=0 Size: about 9MB. Unzip to your JA GameData directory. Then load JA (SP), load the mod, and type "map robotics" into the console. Please report any bugs, or problems with loading the mod.
  9. Hi Barricade- couple of my projects are still up on DF-21. I worked on CondRed with a couple of other guys. https://df-21.net/halloffame/ Hi Psyk0sith. Yeah I'd be interested in others contributing to improvements. There's a lot of scope for improvement before it's up to the standard of the "official" DFmod.
  10. Hi fellow JK fans, Please let me introduce myself - back in the 1990s I was a keen DF modder & mapper. I followed Kyle Katarn through the subsequent games, but only started learning how to make JO & JA maps in the last year. Taught myself everything from the ground up, with help from some of the tutorials here - GtkRadiant, scripting, shaders, etc. Like everyone else here (no doubt), I fell in love with the DF Mod that re-created the first 6 DF levels in the JA engine. I decided that to help me learn how to map for JA, and for a fun project of my own, I would attempt to create one of the DF levels from scratch (level 8, the Robotics Facility). So I've spent the last 12 months or so doing that, and finally have 99% of a functioning level completed. It is very simple - it does not have nearly the amount of architectural detail as "proper" maps, but I'm fairly satisfied with the result and I'd like to upload it here as a beta for people to play if they're interested. I have poached a couple of textures from the DF Mod, but at present most of the NPCs, items, etc. are original to JA. The textures used in my map are directly ported from DF, so they are low res and unfortunately not very nice looking. Making nice textures is not my skill. EDIT Link to download the mod: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3544-df-robotics-facility-remake/
  11. jereth


    One more quick note - the textures used in my map are directly ported from DF, so they are low res and unfortunately not very nice looking. Making nice textures is not my skill.
  12. jereth


    Hi fellow JK fans, Please let me introduce myself - back in the 1990s I was a keen DF modder & mapper. I followed Kyle Katarn through the subsequent games, but only started learning how to make JO & JA maps in the last year. Taught myself everything from the ground up, with help from some of the tutorials here - GtkRadiant, scripting, shaders, etc. Like everyone else here (no doubt), I fell in love with the DF Mod that re-created the first 6 DF levels in the JA engine. I decided that to help me learn how to map for JA, and for a fun project of my own, I would attempt to create one of the DF levels from scratch (level 8, the Robotics Facility). So I've spent the last 12 months or so doing that, and finally have 99% of a functioning level completed. It is VERY simple - it does not have nearly the amount of details as "proper" maps, but I'm fairly satisfied with the result and I'd like to upload it here as a beta for people to play if they're interested. I have poached a couple of textures from the DF Mod, but at present most of the NPCs, items, etc. are original to JA. At this stage, all I really have to do is a final compile to BSP and the put it all in a PK3 and it will be right to go. cheers.
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