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  1. bind z "model hazardtrooper;model howler" bind x "model protocol;model rancor" and then spam z and x. Doesn't have to be those binds, also could probably be a cfg and afaik it works with any models. Also it might of had some wait's in it, not 100% sure now. Was effective in crashing clients off of lugormod servers prior the userinfo max changes per x-amount of time patch. I am guessing this is the issue on base.
  2. Manual spamming and spamming in a script (.cfg) fall under the same flood protection, user info change spams are fixed in lugormod and I am pretty sure Gamall's base has this fixed too (I read somewhere on Gamall's site) or perhaps base_enhanced does as suggested by Razish.
  3. Usually it does "too many user info changes, last change ignored", but that might be just lugormod. Oh, defo run this if your going base btw: http://gamall-ida.com/f/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=120 basically has all the common fixes in major mods but still base.
  4. Tiger

    RS Lugormod

    I don't buy that whole gametracker thing, prior to the gametracker database failure when our server got removed about a month ago, it was off of there for a hole week, the average attack strength did not change looking at it through our DDoS mitigation hosts graphs and I imagine we would be the first anyone would attack considering we were ranked 1st on the gametracker service prior the database failure and now still in the top 5. Gametracker sends queries at random every 5-15 minutes at random, and never more then 5 at a time, this has never changed and cant be changed from outside sources.
  5. Your text mod is also still broken. There was a fix for that trialed but it was causing issues for some clients, a permanent fix to the issue should be available starting tomorrow. Edit: Make that tomorrow after tomorrow... Edit2: ffs... soon k?
  6. Yeah JKA runs the same on Vista, 7 and 8, just requires administrator elevation. Thats normal for any 64-bit operating system, wont effect anything.
  7. Tiger

    RS Lugormod

    Use gametracker image banners for posting trackers on forums.
  8. Yes get the server to get them to: /writeconfig ...\base\assets0.pk3 Could even do jamp.exe if u like, but assets are bigger and more of a pain to add a new one if you dont have a jka cd or iso handy.
  9. Hum, our ffa3 is quite different now as is our vjun3 I believe
  10. Thats lugormod for you, unfortunately there is no balance between levels, just professions. We do hope to add some level restricted areas in the future, e.g. a bank for levels 1-20 only. There are also plans for an "academy" for levels 1-10 which looks the same on every map (its a large brush building), which has helpful guides and very easy quests and competitions. Any in particular? I know rift looks a bit odd because it hasn't been optimized for fog removal, but any other maps?
  11. That can be done on any mod /rcon forceteam (client#) scoreboard I just destroy their assets0.pk3 if they bug me too much.
  12. I strongly suggest against range-banning, its easily avoidable with a VPN service such as HMA!Pro which has thousands of unique ip's. Also you ban many other people at the same time. Examples for range-banning IP Banning would ban around 254 people Banning would ban around 64516 people Banning would ban around 16387064 people All that and they can just use a VPN anyway, do you really think its worth it? I surely don't. Just learn to live with them or keep kicking them every-time they break the rules and they will soon give up.
  13. Apparently the host ripped them off or something and put their server in France, I forgot the full details, could be wrong. I don't know why it is gone now. I have seen some sort of official server up from time to time with JKG developers on it, but its passworded.
  14. This has been fixed in the most recent version, it hasnt been uploaded yet though, adding final touches atm. Thanks for the feedback Edit: Should be updated tomorrow or the day after.
  15. if anyone wants that IP, I will add it to the post shortly. Atm its all JKG maps that feature stores on a 30 min (100 frag) cycle. 500 starting credits and 200 credits per kill. TFFA. excess TK=ban, excess swear/racisim=ban, spam=ban, storekills allowed.
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