Brush Count : 1,897 Entity Count : 2,020 Software used : GtkRadiant v 1.4 Known Bugs : None - please let me know if you find any Build Time : 10 WEEKS - BUT I PUT IT DOWN TO BEING A DAD AND NOT HAVING A LOT OF TIME ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS!!! BESIDES, THE LIGHTING ON THIS BABY TAUGHT ME THINGS I THOUGHT I ALREADY KNEW!! CHECK OUT THAT ENTITY-COUNT! I'll be kind here and suggest to other mappers that the best way to light some maps is by using dozens and dozens of tiny little lights, rather than a handful of massive ones. On the absence of city lights twinkling in the distance, this was for technical reasons. The Jedi Temple itself is sooo big that Radiant could not possibly cope with something on that scale, so I had to build just the illuminated 'playable' area at the base of the pyramid, where we see Anakin and the Clone Troopers advancing in Revenge of the Sith, and where we see Yoda and Obi Wan battling it out in the daytime. I considered a daytime map, but found the best way to handle the subject matter and the fact that I have only built a percent or two of the overall size of the place as it would be in reality (let's face it - this place is home to several thousand Jedi Knights at any one time!) was to fade away into blackness and suggest that there is more out there. Personally, I think it makes for pretty atmosphere Notes I would not have built this map at all had it not been for Guss, who very kindly invited me onto his Jedi Temple Team. The plan is to release a colossal Temple map, inside and out, and this is my part. I thought I'd release it early to show how the project is going and to whet a few appetites for more. Thanks man - this one taught me a lot! Also another big thanks to SathiroN, for his continuing support and for letting me use some of the textures he created for my Mos Espa Outskirts map. Hopefully sooner or later he will do the Jedi community a favour and release a compendium of his unfinished work!! (hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink...)