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Files posted by colonel-the-general

  1. EagleStriker's Jedi Outcast AND Jedi Academy Re-Edited Full Movie Edits

    For my first file submission, I decided to just make and upload a quick little splice of the three parts to Eaglestriker's JOReE trilogy, while the Jedi Academy ones were both a more extensive project.
    As mentioned, it was such a simple edit for the JKO vid; I just fused the endings of the first two videos with the beginnings of the second and third by removing each "To Be Continued..." and fading the audio together. I also removed the "Disturbing Images" text frame from the "passing gas in the cockpit" scene and added the Eaglestriker logo from the end of the Jedi Academy Re-Edited Beyond Chrismas Episode vid. As for the two JK3 Re-Edited fan edits, those took more crossfading and cuts and text effects than normal among other things.
    This is a fan edit of a fan-made parody. I do not claim ownership of the source materials in my edits of these videos, nor the source materials used within any edits of the edits themselves.
    Re-Re-Edited in VSDC Free Video Editor.


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  2. Classic Tavion NPCs

    Get ready for yet another minor cosmetic mod that changes the Tavion models in Jedi Academy to their Jedi Outcast predecessors. Once again, this only changes the NPCs in the singleplayer campaign and not the player models in the multiplayer.
    Going off of my Classic Reborn mod, I subsequently elected to do the same with Tavion to further strengthen the connection between Outcast and Academy. Just a random thought I came up with recently, but not as random as the Classic Reborn one.
    All game assets by Raven Software. Classic Reborn NPCs Mod not included, but available for download.


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  3. Classic Reborn NPCs

    For my first ever publicly published game mod, I present a minor cosmetic mod that changes the Reborn cultists' and twins' models in Jedi Academy to their Jedi Outcast predecessors and the regular Reborn respectively. This only changes the NPCs in the singleplayer campaign and not the player models in the multiplayer.
    This was just a random idea I had for about a month now, and I just felt that someone had to make this further connection between Desann's Reborn and the Ragnos cult one day...
    All game assets by Raven Software. NPC files edited in NPCTool by Tin Cap.


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