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  1. mrwonko's post in Some (probably stupid) teleport question was marked as the answer   
    the target_teleport is not the destination, you still have to target the target_teleport to a target_position or similar.
    Or, if you don't need to toggle the teleporter, use a trigger_teleport and leave out the target_teleport.
  2. mrwonko's post in How to make it so people fall to their doom? was marked as the answer   
    Assuming you are talking about multiplayer, as is implied by the death message:

    /*QUAKED trigger_hurt (.5 .5 .5) ? START_OFF CAN_TARGET SILENT NO_PROTECTION SLOW Any entity that touches this will be hurt. It does dmg points of damage each server frame Targeting the trigger will toggle its on / off state. CAN_TARGET if you target it, it will toggle on and off SILENT supresses playing the sound SLOW changes the damage rate to once per second NO_PROTECTION *nothing* stops the damage "team" team (1 or 2) to allow hurting (if none then hurt anyone) only applicable for siege "dmg" default 5 (whole numbers only) If dmg is set to -1 this brush will use the fade-kill method */In particular: 
    Just read the entity description.
  3. mrwonko's post in Max polygon count for hilts? was marked as the answer   

    Well, the format itself imposes no limit, but JA will refuse to load anything with more than the aforementioned 1k verts.
  4. mrwonko's post in Ease In and Ease Out with Camera was marked as the answer   
    Animate in some external Tool like Blender, export as ROFF, play using
    camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PATH, "my/roff/file" );
  5. mrwonko's post in Compilation parameters for Q3Map2 and safe_malloc allocation... was marked as the answer   
    Your map's size is too damn high. It needs too much memory to compile the light stage. -lomem is one thing that may help, or if you have a 64 bit operating system you can try a 64 bit Q3Map2 build which can handle more than 2GB ram. Also, maybe don't do -super 2, that's 2x super-sampling, which calculates every lightmap at twice the height and twice the width for 4x the memory usage.
    The downside of lomem is increased compile time. Maybe try -fast or -faster for faster compiles at the cost of decreased quality.
  6. mrwonko's post in Map optimization was marked as the answer   
    It's necessary, called t-junctions. There's a Q3Map2 switch, -notjunc or some such, to disable it, but that can lead to visual anomalies. The reason are rounding errors in interpolating the edges, leading to 1-pixel-wide gaps between trianges, like so.
  7. mrwonko's post in [Help] Doubt about .shader was marked as the answer   
    Swap the last two stages.
  8. mrwonko's post in DT's Skybox Issue was marked as the answer   
    That's entirely normal. The sky is practically infinitely far away so anything closer (i.e. everything else) will show up in front of it. It makes sense, too, and I prefer when level designers adjust their levels accordingly (i.e. show the outside of the buildings you could otherwise look into), but proper level layout and vis can take care of it as well.
    P.S.: No need to add your name to the thread title, it'll be displayed right next to it anyway.
  9. mrwonko's post in Targets, area portals, and the mythical hint brushes was marked as the answer   
    @@IrocJeff, your choice of font style is annoying.
    More on-topic:
    In general, this is what you want an areaportal to do:
    And here's how having two area portals inside a door sucks:
    While you're between two areaportals in the same door (i.e. inside a brush covered in the areaportal texture on all sides) the whole map gets rendered and all entities go invisible. Big no-no. Bad mapper.
  10. mrwonko's post in Forced RGB makes texture fullbright was marked as the answer   
    Well, you have this:

    rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity rgbGen const ( 0.000000 0.500000 1.000000 ) //The RGB values - 0, 128, 255 You can only set rgbGen to one value, so the latter overwrites the former. So instead of changing the colour based on diffuse lighting you set a fixed value. 
    I suggest you just copy the texture and tint the image itself.
  11. mrwonko's post in Skies Won't Make Light was marked as the answer   
    The only base sky shaders set up to emit light are normallight, bluelight, orangelight, test, test3, right_light, test4, test5, kejim_light, new_test, artus_light, yavin_nodraw, hevil, hoth, siege_1, hevil_2, test_korriban1 and rail_sun. If you use any other shader it's normal to have no light.
  12. mrwonko's post in MD3 size issue? was marked as the answer   
    MD3 vertex coordinates must be within [-512, 512[ on all axes.
  13. mrwonko's post in How to make a good textured md3? was marked as the answer   
    You set the texture to use with the md3shader object property as shown in the video at 1:45. You have to use relative paths to Base, so if your texture is in C:/Games/Jedi Academy/GameData/Base/models/map_objects/my_awesome_map/great_texture.jpg you'd set md3shader to models/map_objects/my_awesome_map/great_texture
  14. mrwonko's post in *Something* like surfaceSprites was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at q3map_surfaceModel, it should do what you're looking for. Not sure how well it holds up with slopes, but I guess if you create the models with that in mind (i.e. lower them into the ground) it should work. Maybe create a separate model for slopes.
  15. mrwonko's post in Old Radiant mapper with a new problem was marked as the answer   
    Strange... the save bug is known in 1.4 but should be fixed in 1.6. If you disable the win32 checkbox in 1.4 you need to manually add the .map to the filename.
    Where are you saving the maps? Do you have UAC enabled? Do you run the radiant with admin rights?
  16. mrwonko's post in Widescreen ? was marked as the answer   
    r_mode -1
    r_customwidth 1920
    r_customheight 1080
    possibly adjusting the FOV (cg_fov, I think)
    Videos won't play anymore, if I remember correctly.
  17. mrwonko's post in [Help] Yavin IV Trees and Darkened Screenshots was marked as the answer   
    That's intentional. Brightness adjustments depend on the user's screen, after all, so it saves the unbrightened image.Yeah, this. The transparency of the leaves is defined in a thing called a shader, which is (in Jedi Academy's case) basically a text file that defines the material. A single broken such file can break other ones as well, so chances are you have a custom map/model/... that comes with a broken shader, resulting in broken trees and who knows what else.
  18. mrwonko's post in Decompiling existing .ibi files help? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah. 56 is either FLUSH or INSERT. Those names - like the second parameter of the tag() command, which can be either ORIGIN or ANGLES - are turned into numbers as described in behaved.bhc. Looks like the decompiler doesn't turn 'em back into the identifiers. You'll have to do that manually.
  19. mrwonko's post in A lot o' func_breakables was marked as the answer   
    Keep the entity limits in mind, you can't have all that many.
  20. mrwonko's post in Ambient lighting in maps? was marked as the answer   
    If you just want to globally increase the brightness you can use the "ambient" setting in worldspawn (increases brightness everywhere) or "_minlight" (prevents dark areas without brightening light ones). Another possibility is having a sun (either via shader or as a directional light entity with the "_sun" setting) and using the -bounce parameter of Q3Map2 to simulate indirect lightning.
  21. mrwonko's post in Distance in GTK Radiant's 3D view unbearable was marked as the answer   
    Can be disabled with the center button in the top icon bar, the one that's enabled in your screenshot. I believe the distance can be varied using [ and ], which means I can't do it on my German keyboard.
  22. mrwonko's post in Map object textures not showing up? was marked as the answer   
    I'm saying the JAPack included with Radiant and installed into base contains JK2 models but not their textures.
  23. mrwonko's post in Script at the map Dosuun was marked as the answer   
    You don't need to decompile the map to change the entities, that's what Q3Map2's -onlyents is for.
  24. mrwonko's post in [Mapping] T2_DPRED Texture was marked as the answer   
    textures/common/env_glass_security, I think. A quick look at the .bsp in a hexeditor helps.
  25. mrwonko's post in Shader Help? (Shiny-HUD on a Skin- Glowing RGB) was marked as the answer   
    I hate just giving an example without explaining how or why it works, so instead of giving you shader code I'll explain the concept.
    Making a texture shiny is achieved by overlaying a second, transparent texture that then moves around (the reflections). To then prevent certain parts from being shiny, you could overlay another texture with transparent parts on it. The non-transparent parts would thus hide the shininess. The exact shader varies depending on whether you need a lightmap etc. You're thinking of an on-character HUD akin to Dead Space? Having procedural shaders is not unheard of: Jedi Knight Galaxies has weapons with Ammo Counters and Hydroball has the in-map scoreboards, but this requires code modifications which make it pretty tricky if you're not into coding. I would assume this requires coding as well, but I don't know for sure.
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