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  1. If you need someone to help you accomplish that, I would be really happy to get into the team, I've played JKA since 2007, have made many models, many of them are unfortunately lost. Also made a few maps, one of it is on mr. Wonko's page. I've worked as a modeller/animator for some years, then texture artist, after that switched to studying music in the high school. So I can do relatively a lot of different tasks. Really looking forward to seeing this mod being developed!
  2. Dear forum members, As far as I know, the original creator of the ja+ Slider is not reachable by any means and one can't contact him. I was told once that there was a ja+ or ja++ source code somewhere on the internet but then the link didn't work and who has managed to download it has it, the others don't. So my question was, if anyone could be so kind and help me with searching for the source because I'm really looking forward to integrating the SFX sabers into the Japlus. Any help would be like a kilogramm of Gold for me, so thank you very much! Sincerely
  3. Release! Release! Release! I want to create using your tools man!
  4. So the main problem I will encounter is that there will be no way to import the maps UV's into 3ds max.But: can I just use the grandpa's méthode and just export the original TGA's from BSP, then painfully edit them by hand, and then import them back? And also, if yes, can I upscale the lightmap TGA's resolution? P.S. AshuraDX, by the way, if you're making your own plugin, would it be possible to edit the UV's using your plugin? If I'm thinking in the right direction, one could actually complete the whole task by using your Q3ME. Thx
  5. This one: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1687-3ds-max-2013-map-exporter/ I'm of course waiting for your plugin with great impatience! Despite the fact that so many years past, I'm still willing to practice q3 mapmaking regularly.
  6. Dear community members, I am currently designing a map in 3Ds max (yes, yes, thank you for the great plugin that is now available!), using custom shaders, textures, etc, based on Rend2. I am slowly coming to the stage where i am considering how in general the lighting in-game would look like, and a great idea came to my head, and that is the main question: Is it possible to compile my bsp, take out the baked lightmaps, edit them by projecting realistic shadows from my 3ds max baking render, put them back to BSP, compile and have them working in game? In this way i could greatly improve the lighting, general ambience look in game by faking and baking the realistic shadows from 3ds max render. Any Ideas on what to start from? If any progress could be done, i will start immediately writing a little instructional tutorial on the whole process step-by-step and will post it in this forum. May the force be with you! And thanks!
  7. I have ported the model a couple of years ago and I have posted it in the ukrainian jedi academy community. I'm very glad that you guys like it. :-)
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