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Everything posted by TheMcFish

  1. I couldn't see any threads on this, so sorry if this has already been posted. Has anyone been able to test Windows 10? Is it worth getting? Is it visually pleasing? Does it work well? And most importantly, does JKA run on it? with or without (OpenJK)?
  2. Than give me ftp:D
  3. Phone auto correct ruins lives D: I was also walking to work :L + didn't know where to post this. Don't hit me Awesome. You're hired. @@SiLink get your coat on we've got work to do. Since I have no clue what so ever about this sort of thing, you'll have to tell Link what to do. My skype is fishymcfisherman, add me on that and I'll get you in a group chat with me and Link. In response to the line of code we could add into he cfg, problem is that would disable it on the map, (and all maps), and we just want to move the spawn somewhere.
  4. So I wondered if anyone was interested in helping me out. I need someone who can edit entities and change the spawn locations of the pickups on rift. Specifically just the 100 shield that's right in the middle of the map. It ruins the ffas completely. Would I've tk be to do this one jawa's server. I'll buy you puzza
  5. Hey everyone! Since 2006, (JAWA) has been running a Signature of the Week contest (or in short, SotW). For sometime, since 2011-2012, the SotW only let certain people allowed to vote on signatures. From today, the Signature of the Week rules have been revised and updated. Now anyone can vote in the SotW. This is to boost the SotW further than (JAWA) and reach out to everyone in the community. Anyone can enter, and anyone can vote. If you're interested in participating, visit our forums and get creating! Signature of the Week Section View the new rules and other information here - SotW - Everything You Need To Know Thanks for reading!
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