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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Sorry for waiting so long to post back. I checked in the modules window and there's no jagamex86 in there at all. I tried removing the SP game library project from the solution and re-adding it, but still no dice. I don't know why in fudge's name it's being skipped...
  2. In general it's good to keep old versions of mods up right? Incase people like an older version better?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Yep, always.

    3. Rooxon


      of course. They say 100 people, 100 preferences in our country. And even if not for that, it's always better to have options. :)

    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Exactly what ninja Rooxon said. :D

  3. Funny thing: I killed a seeker drone I had spawned infront of Chewie and this assault sentry I had place in SP, and both Chewie and the turret turned on me instantly. ???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      "seeker" NPC is friendly, "remote" is not

    3. JediBantha


      You just can't trust an oversized eyeball.

    4. Dusty


      I figure it's my seeker drone, I can do what I want with it. If Chewie and my assault sentry don't like it, TOO BAD. Maybe the assault sentry turned on me because it sees how I treat my other machines and is either exploding in rage or doesn't want to be next?

  4. Perhaps for now my bonus missions will satisfy you guys once they are released
  5. Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try fixing this for the next version.
  6. Yep. Still not loaded. Breakpoint is an open circle.
  7. I read the entry on lightsabers in my New Essential Guide to SW Weapons and Tech, but it didn't say anything about a gyroscopic effect or lack thereof. From what I've read though, the idea of the gyroscopic effect has to do with the way the plasma beam/saber blade or whatever is focused into a blade. It has to be made to go out of the hilt and extend to a fixed point then loop back around and return the energy to the hilt was my sort of laymen's understanding, which would make sense to me that that would generate some sort of slightly unwieldy gyroscopic effect. It probably wouldn't be massive, but enough that it would be awkward for someone who's never used a saber before to start slashing around with exactly the same finesse and skill they have with a normal sword. Yes Vader's saber was a dual-phase lightsaber. Still though, if a Jedi's chosen saber length for their lightsaber only has to due with power and crystal requirements, why doesn't every Jedi build a giant saber like Desann had? Did Desann get better/bigger saber crystals and a better battery for his saber than every other Jedi? That doesn't make any sense to me. I would think only he and strong species like Wookiees would handle a huge saber like that comfortably as a normal species Jedi could a regular size saber. Also, I've always had it in my imagination that if you could actually build a lightsaber in real life, that it would require that you plug it into a nuclear power plant to have enough power to keep it running. If that was the case, I don't have a hard time thinking that even with Star Wars tech there would be at least some kind of mild gyroscopic effect or something similar generated from something using a lot of energy.
  8. Turns out I DID have a mod on the player.npc in my base folder but didn't realize it. That was messing things up. Even though I didn't change much I'm guessing it's a sensitive file that needs to be somewhat exact for the game to read it right.
  9. Sometimes it's the simple solutions you miss. Thank you . Anyway, still no symbols being loaded for jagamex86. Scouring the debug console output thingie in VS 2013, I can see both openjk_sp.x86.exe and rdsp-vanilla_x86.dll have their symbols located and loaded. But no mention anywhere in the console of jagamex86.dll and its symbols being loaded, no mention even of its symbols being unable to be loaded. Something is fishy... To my untrained eyes it looks like the Debug build is just skipping over the SP Game Library project / my jagamex86.dll. But whai?
  10. So after going back and reading about debugging, it seems like I've been overthinking the whole thing, and it's actually kind of simple. Symbols seem to be being loaded when I set the startup project / debug command to OpenJK/build/debug/openjk_sp.x86. However I get this error: Program cannot start because OpenAL32.dll is missing. How do I get this to work? Should I have Visual Studio build my dlls directly to Jedi Academy's folders?
  11. @@eezstreet: So, I did everything you said Eez. I get an error though on starting up the project in Debug saying "OpenAL32.dll is missing" or something seemingly implying to me that the Debug isn't finding the appropriate dlls from my JA/Gamedata folder. You didn't mention setting a "command" for the startup project. Should I not need one because the start up project is the .exe? The only thing that fixes this error is setting "command" to the openjk_sp.exe in my JA/GameData folder. And still no matter what I my break points won't work for seemingly the same reasons as in the beginning. I'm going to try again with Visual Studio 2012 instead and see if that works... EDIT: Forgot about the inttypes.h thing not being compatible with VS2012... now onto the next thing, trying reinstalling VS2013.
  12. If that's the case, why don't all Jedi go around wielding 10 foot sabers like Desann? Wouldn't that be more powerful? I figured only he could handle a giant saber like that dextrously because he has dinosaur strength and therefore better control. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber : "Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers required a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and it was extremely difficult—and dangerous—for the untrained to attempt using. However, in the hands of an expert of the Force, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected and feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force." ^I don't know if that's entirely accurate, but I figured a saber takes adjustment from someone who would be used to a sword. Not so much because it's heavy (it's not ) but more because of awkwardness and unwieldiness. And I would think a giant saber would intensify the gyroscopic effect.
  13. ^Tried all those things. Still not working. The exact error is g_setg2playermodel something something. I'm not playing any SP code mods so that's not the problem. Let me double check my base folder though to make sure there aren't any standard mods causing a problem. I did try deleting my jaconfig though and that didn't fix the problem.
  14. Lightsabers have a powerful gyroscopic effect which I think basically means they feel a bit unstable in your hand and resist certain types of motion. I think that's why people unskilled in using them can't just pick them up and use them as well as a regular sword.
  15. Can't figure out what's wrong. I've had this issue for a long time. Tried playing with all my config files and removing all my mods. Tried various combinations of using the g_char_model cvar and the playermodel command. Tried starting a new game. Still whenever I map or devmap to a map I get a model error and Jaden shows up as a stormtrooper. Anyone have any idea what the issue could be? I'm at a bit of a loss.
  16. So I've been working on the mods in bits and pieces. Main roadblock I hit coding wise was being unable to figure out how to enable kicking for sabers with a button, and my visual studio debugging stopped working so I kind of need to fix that. So far I haven't done much debugging but if the code puzzles I've been having are any indication I'm going to need it to figure out any other problems I encounter down the road. @T.Zealot may be joining up with me to help with some coding (I'm hoping ). Might help things a bit. @@redsaurus has already done a lot for me, so big thank you to him. Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to finish this mod, but I don't want all his hard work to go to waste. I haven't even really gotten to actually using some of his code pieces yet like the Inventory menu UI scripts. He coded some things for me though that I would have had a very hard time with, like Force Lightning saber block effects and using the crosshair to aim blaster bolt deflections. I had planned to release the menu mods and UI as the next feature, but then I started realizing that a lot of my new UI buttons need hard codes to do what I want. That or I could release them with a config system but that's not as nice and is more bound to have problems. Maybe I could just release a stripped down version... and I should just release the WIP version of the bonus missions menu already I guess. It just needs a few quick touch ups. One thing I am a wee bit disappointed about, is that hardly anyone has given me feedback on my animation and NPCs mini mods. I want community feedback on my ideas and direction for pete's sake! Dusty, that mofo you know, out.
  17. Isn't an ARF trooper a clone trooper? Not sure how that fits into JA's SP campaign
  18. So, I never talked about school at all. First semester of college went well. Right now I'm slated to be a CIS major.

  19. Still not working haha. I must just not have the file and folder structures set up right or something. I'll find some guide to debugging with Visual Studio and make sure I understand exactly how to do it, and assuming I'm able to fix things through that, I'll post back here and explain what the problem was. Thanks for trying to help DT
  20. So I'm guessing the Program Debug Database format files in my folders are the .pdb files. After a bunch of fiddling the error message seems to be gone but looking at my breakpoints while running the game through Debug they are still open circles with the message "breakpoint will not be hit because no symbols loaded for this document". Erg! What is it?
  21. Please DT can you take that pic? You're my only hope!
  22. Tried that, but didn't seem to do anything. Tried a bunch of things but I still can't get it to work, same problem Could you do me a huge favor DT and take a pic of the pdb file so I know what I'm looking for, and maybe of your debug settings for your startup project? Pretty plz?
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