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    Moviebattles 2
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  1. i'd be down to help, i use to work with FrontWire Studios on the SWGIT project before they got shut down and i left before they got dcmaed , although i never really got use to ue4 but if someone showed me the way i'm sure i'd learn quick.
  2. I plan to bring it to MB2
  3. @@Lord Of Hate have you tested to version seven released what problems does it have?
  4. I've been messing around with the models etc in blender i believe i the process with rigging these models is very close to what i'm already use to, i"ll do some research and get cracking since your done with it i think. Thanks for getting it this far! To all those who have been waiting for this model like me, i beg you to be patient as im new with jks process etc so it"ll take time but i"ll get cracking, since i plan to port more models from FR's BF3
  5. i believe someone has already ported this over to jka somewhere
  6. Hello Jeff, I was wondering if you have come around to making falon grey in the past i've been trying to see if anyone's made him?
  7. i can link you to the ported model from ea if you want more reference for the face etc
  8. hey im back after a few months any progress on x2?
  9. @@Seven can we expect x2 anytime soon?
  10. ok thank you for notifying me i will re upload that link to mega now,let me know if anymore problems persist
  11. Hello, My name is commonly known as "NightShadowR" i've admired the work done in this community and some day hope to contribute, but everyone starts small which is where i am, i'd love to start modelling and mapping as i've previously done for games such as garrys mod a source engine game and look forward to hopefully doing the same for Jedi Academy, glad to be here and look forward to the future of this community! Sincerely, NightShadowR
  12. i just realized that after looking at it for the 2nd time XD, thanks for telling me
  13. Hello, i just made a post with all the ported models for these characters i'd love to see them in game which is why i also shared their model files and textures in my post
  14. Hello, I was wondering if anyone was ever going to do these cancelled free radical battlefront 3 models? These would be awesome to see, i would port them into jka .myself but i'm not yet familiar with the jka setup for modeling so i wont dare try in my current state. but if someone could that would be awesome i will provide all links and images to each model! Best of luck! All these models were ported from frbf3 by Corra_Ashu and all credit is due to him. Althought i do have a collection of dozens of star wars models from this game should anyone be interested, just contact me. First off we have all Era versions of X2 from the Clone Wars to the New Republic Era. X2: Download Links CW Era: http://www.mediafire.com/download/19vie3nrkqcn1w0/X2_CloneWars.rar or (Alternate Link) Mega Download GCW:http://www.mediafire.com/download/uggp94o729gbo9u/X2_GCW.rar NR(Jedi): http://www.mediafire.com/download/g64cqfsc1nww1lm/X2_NR_ERA.rar Next up we have X1 the evil Protagonist with all his era models starting from the clone wars to the New Republic era X1: Download Links CW Era: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dc33a5gg5gm71ia/X1_Clonewars.rar GCW:http://www.mediafire.com/download/499dp1bmslvi3ua/X1_GCW.rar NR(Sith): http://www.mediafire.com/download/260ad4bl9a21t1d/X1_NR_Era.rar Falon Grey: Download Link: CW(Jedi): http://www.mediafire.com/download/bd1i5ycc0ngjt1w/falon_grey.rar (I will post all links to the Jka version models as they are available below) [Finished] Completed Models: X1 GCW: https://jkhub.org/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=1207 (Finished) by Jeff X2 NR:https://www.dropbox.com/s/0am3fdjxj19is6c/X2%20Jedi.pk3?dl=0 (WIP) By Jeff
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