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  1. You take the clothing choices from the normal rodian male and put them on the trandoshan body model like I don't kno how to add pics or screen shots or I'd show u basically take the arms head and feet of the normal Rodian model and replace them with a trandoshan head arms and feet in the SP character creation
  2. You take the clothing choices from the normal rodian male and put them on the trandoshan body model like I don't kno how to add pics or screen shots or I'd show u basically take the arms head and feet of the normal Rodian model and replace them with a trandoshan head arms and feet in the SP character creation
  3. That's not ewok sized which sucks and is also kinda creepy
  4. I wish I knew how to mod and had the equipment to do it cuz I want to play a Trandoshan but with the available Rodian clothing options idk how to make mods or have the equipment for making mods so if anyone out there thinks this could be done let me kno wouldn't mind if it had to replace the rodian in the character creation menu just a thought
  5. I kno it would be hard to do ewoks in Jedi Academy but it would be awesome just wish it would be an ewok sized ewok instead of a human sized one and it would probably be like the YodaVM mod where u have to type it in the console which sucks lol
  6. sounds perfect if I decide to play a different Species I'll just move the .pk3 back to my Downloads folder lol thanks so so much
  7. That would be AWESOME! I just hope it will work and in a way so that I don't have to repeatedly type a command into the console cuz unfortunately I am unable to make quick keys since I'm playing on Android and don't know how to make quick keys on there it would be cool if I just could install the .pk3 and it kind overlap the cut scene voices and the in-game speech like when he says "I wonder if I can get up there" I hope you know what I mean lol anyway keep in touch thru PM or Email me at joshuacaine84@gmail.com
  8. I have the DS_JediChewy mod and combined with the Desann_SMP mod it makes the Wookiee voice deep but unfortunately the voice is still in Galactic Basic which we all know Wookiees cannot speak due to their mouth parts being animalistic is there someone out there that could make the Wookiee language of Shyirwook available in SP? I mean during cut scenes and in game dialogue He makes the Wookiee growls and grunts when taking damage but doesn't speak Shyirwook like a real Wookiee. Please if you kno how to do this let me kno
  9. Ok so I downloaded RGBsabers so I can make a dark green saber and it says I have to run RGBsabers.exe instead of jasp.exe how do I do this I'm using JKA on Android Phone I have the RGB Icon in my lightsaber menu but it does nothing when I slide the Red Green or Blue sliders to pick the color values its stays on the blue lightsaber color and won't change Help Me Please
  10. How do u set quick keys for JKA on Android
  11. yes I mean Jedi academy on android if there is a way to add Yoda to the character creation screen I'd love to have it
  12. Ok so I finally figured out how to open the console in Jedi Academy Touch and I downloaded the YodaVM mod but is there a way to get it to stay and show in cut scenes because type "Player model yodavm" every map is ridiculous or is there a mod to play as him by selecting him in the character creation menu I don't mind the same voice as the human but typing that into the console every single time is ridiculous someone help me please
  13. JBuNNy

    Yoda VM

    How come I have to spawn the Playermodel yodavm every time I load a new map its kinda annoying
  14. I like this but I think the head is way too big for the body
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