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  • Pronouns
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
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Delarious's Achievements

  1. Good model, nice and detailed like your others. I have a suggestion for your next Product: Ven Zallow from SWTOR Sacking of Coruscant Cinematic.
  2. Do note for some reason the website is not working correctly for me, It's the exact same URL for the RP main website. I tried putting the link in using the 'link' button but It doesn't want to let me push 'OK' when I fill it out. So. I guess you can try to use the link I put in custom. ((UPDATE: Link is working now! ))
  3. 200 years have passed after the Battle of Yavin, the Galaxy is in near Ruins as the New Republic and the Sith Empire waged war against eachother. The Jedi Order and the reformed Sith from an empire long ago being rebuilt and fighting across the galaxy. Though recently, the Empire and Republic, Jedi and Sith all being nearly destroyed by the war they waged, along with the Galaxy have came to a peace treaty, in said treaty the Republic and Empire promised to rid of all weapons of mass destruction, to allow the galaxy to rebuild and regrow. They both watched eachother to ensure both sides destroyed not just the technology, but the blueprints of which to make the technology. Meanwhile during the conflict, new Factions arise from different corners of the Galaxy... Website: http://s15.zetaboards.com/Galaxy_At_War/index/ Server: RPG Galaxy At War Mods: Check the Mods subforums on the website. Hilts/Hiltpacks, Maps, Skins/Animations. NOTE: Do read the Rules before submitting a character biography. Leader: Delarious (Admin) Administration: Spastic Chinchilla, Arcadia Members: Broc Wytho, Alex ((My very first ad, be patient as its not perfect. ))
  4. I'm clueless as this is the only Galen File that doesn't murder my other skinpacks. I guess I'm just not meant to have a galen marek.
  5. I got the mod today however when you go into the customization screen it looks fine, going into MP simply gives me Kyle Katarn model with a taunt sound and that's it. Anybody know the solution for this...?
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