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  1. Yeah, I thought that was the culprit. Also, thank you. Haven't seen anything else I've been a part of so far.
  2. I have to say, great work on Boba. It's weird how such a famous character in terms of visual never got a proper model. Also, if you don't mind me asking, where did you find that picture?
  3. I actually did some modeling work years ago, mostly player remodels including a frankenstain clonetrooper (different parts from different authors), I also created the clone blaster that's currently on JKhub and in Movie battles. Of course it's nothing compared to Ashura in terms of quality.
  4. I don't blame, you did an amazing job nevertheless. In any case, if you ever feel like changing your mind the most noticable grip is the headshape being too eggish.
  5. I just created this account to ask if you're planning on working on the model some more or is it a final version? It's one of the most detailed models this game have ever recived and its the one i've been looking forward the most all this time, but I just can't stop and feel like the Helmet is a little off on the front. Also goddang, that rifle looking sexy
  6. 698 downloads

    A DC-15s Clone blaster weapon model. Replaces the E-11 blaster. EDIT: The screenshot submitted by Barricade is actually from an older version. I uploaded a quick modview of the actual model.
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