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Lord Krit

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Everything posted by Lord Krit

  1. Plagueis - Episode II released https://youtu.be/C_FefufxZ0w
  2. I have a lot of animations from EA BF2, it would be a interesting to see if they'd work if transferred.
  3. Amazing work Alvar, this could be groundbreaking for my machinima work! I wonder if you'd be able to port mocap animations from other games too like Vader's walk cycle. The possibilities! I wonder if you may make a tutorial on how to do this.
  4. Trailer for Part II plus some screenshots.
  5. Hello! Krit here! I have developed a reputation for being the Plagueis movie guy. I'm not much of a modeler or dabbler in the Blender arts and would be interested in help from others who would like to texture, kitbash several models for Plagueis Episode II and III. Characters such as Doriana, Tarkin, etc
  6. Tali from Mass Effect? https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/19851-tali.html
  7. Trailer for Darth Plagueis Episode I
  8. A new preview at an adaptation of 'STAR WARS: DARTH PLAGUEIS'
  9. The movie releases today, I hope everyone enjoys it!
  10. TROS Revitalized is halfway finished, here it some pictures.
  11. New movie announcement, coming next year...
  12. OFFICIAL RELEASE Luke Skywalker's peaceful and solitary existence gets upended when he encounters Rey, a young woman who shows strong signs of the Force. Her desire to learn the ways of the Jedi forces Luke to make a decision that changes their lives forever. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke lead the First Order in an all-out assault against Leia and the Resistance for supremacy of the galaxy. TLJ: RE is a remake of SW: The Last Jedi in Movie Duels, featuring original voice acting and animation. TLJ: RE attempts to correct the mistakes of the original vision and make it more as people expected it to be while not being a cringefest and division towards SW fans. DIRECTED BY LORD KRIT STARRING DAVID PODDANY as Luke Skywalker/Snoke/Yoda MILLIE VA as Rey JACK VICKERS as Kylo Ren THEA SOLONE as Leia Organa CHRISTOPHER BUSCH as Finn SONAM BURKE as Poe Dameron GEORGIE DONN as Zorii Bliss KNICK-KNACK as General Hux SHARON GRUNWALD as Captain Phasma/Mira Mothma YAKUKAISAI as Admiral Kallos THEVOICZ as Captain Jyrren JACK VICKERS as Admiral Ackbar KOTANA as Lando Calrissian RYAN GOLDEN as Darth Vader/The Sith Eternal (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaGE...) SASSTRY as Anakin Skywalker JOHN WILSON as Ben Kenobi KORBINIAN GALLOWAY as FO Officer STORMTROOPERS FN-58 - Brock Ward FN-57 - Curtis Marauder NF-123 - NEFSpring SB-345 - Strike721 DISCLAIMER: This film is non-profit and is not intended for commercial use. Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. / Walt Disney Co. This animation/fan-remake is in no way associated with the aforementioned companies. Star Wars created by George Lucas
  13. First official images of The Last Jedi: Revitalized - Remastered Director's Cut. Pending release - April/May 2022.
  14. Official poster for the upcoming HD director's cut - created as a collaboration by ZelZel and I.
  15. Are you going to release Ahch-To Luke soon?
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