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Posts posted by Doby

  1. (hope i'm posting this in the right section)


    Hello, i'm planning to set up a lugormod server with an old friend, we've traditionally been playing on lugormod version U# 2.3.2, but since robophred's site went down, (i should have made backups, yeah), i can't seem to find a link to the older versions. The new directory @@ufooo set up ( http://lugormod.tk/lmd ) goes back only until 2.4. Anyone knows where can i find older versions, or generous enough to upload if they have it? 


    Thanks in advance

  2. don't mean to start offtopic but since you mentioned it:


    eu lugor:

    - no farming for level, special skills system as replacement

    - farming for special skills takes weeks because they cost milions of cr, after almost half year since the implementation there's noone with maximum skillset

    - the gap between people with special skills and without them is pretty low, they won't help much a medium player to win a good player



    - farming for level

    - after 1 week of server online there's already a player with maximum level and 3 more close to it, speaks for itself

    - the gap between minimum and maximum level is HUGE, forces AND (!) force regen for jedi/sith, hp/armor and stuff like fuel/flameburst for merc


    one of the reasons lugormod died off over the last years were dull servers with short longevity that allowed smarter people to get max level ridicoulously fast, while newbies would often ragequit because of getting extremely overwhelmed by people with level advantage


    agree completely on the latter part. their /hilevel is already filled up in just a week. apart from that i find their maps to be more rp and quest-based (which i personally prefer) than the maps i saw on eu lugor. i admit i didn't even know about the special skills system on eu, everytime i logged on there was an ffa going on so i was preoccupied lol.


    still nice to see variety in terms of gameplay on lugormod, hope other servers will attempt comebacks as well with this new star wars hype wave going on

  3. Finally some news on the lugormod front !!


    it's basically the only mod that i've played on JKA over the years, with so much good memories and the best, most unique community that i've ever seen in a game yet.


    it's pretty much the only multiplayer mod that exists where you had banks turning into wampas attempting to kill you, where you could buy houses for your guild and watch the lucasarts intro on a tv for hours, kill homeless jedi and sell their body parts, and collect tauntaun poop :P (well maybe makermod also)

  4. Any chance there is a recent Lugormod version for Linux? :(




    Unfortunately, no  :(  Quote from Robophred back in 2010:



    I dealt with those frustrations before, but ultimately it was because GCC stopped compiling the Linux headers. I tried to resume with newer versions, but Ubuntu itself encounters meltdowns with my type of motherboard. Linux just flat out hates me, apparently.

  5. Hello,


    I've downloaded the OpenJK build for OS X from http://builds.openjk.org, when i mount the image and attempt to open OpenJK or OpenJK SP, i get an error message 'openjk.x86 cannot be opened because of a problem'. I tried extracting the files under game data (or 'Contents' ) and launching there, same result. Am I missing something obvious? I've tried multiple builds descending from the one on the top, most of them seem equivalent though.


    I'm running on OS X Yosemite 10.10.2

  6. Back in the day, I remember checking the JKG website every time i got back home from school, to check the news for any updates and read the forums to read about people's quite interesting ideas.


    Even though JKG didn't work out in the end, it gave me and i imagine a lot of other jka players, a glimpse of hope that the game wasn't dying, that it could even get better someday, and we all needed that.


    I remember disscussing for hours on lugormod servers about how jkg would be like, even though we all knew deep inside it was quite improbable that we would play it one day.


    So imo, JKG was the santa of the jkg community, even though it wasn't real we all needed it, and we grew up the day we realised it wasn't real :)

    Onysfx likes this
  7. Make sure the dedicated cvar is 2. You'll need to have +set dedicated 2 on the command-line if it isn't. Also make sure that one of the sv_masterX cvars are "masterjk3.ravensoft.com".


    Tried that out but didn't work, it was probably caused by something else. I deleted the config files and contacted the server host now its working somehow :D

  8. I've bought a server running on #U Lugormod 2.3.2 hosted by markmods today, but apparently it doesn't show up on the server list, so anyone who doesn't know the ip beforehand can't join. They had hosted a server for me before, with the same mod version on and it appeared on the list without any issues. I'm guessing it's easy to fix but couldn't see why so far :P 



  9. Thanks for the responses, probably should have tried this earlier, but i installed jka through boot camp on windows 7, and the resolution issue persists there. So it appears even if I'm able to launch the game somehow(which I can with the Steam version) I'm gonna have to adjust the game to the retina resolution(tried r_mode on windows no luck)


    I'll work on it further on when I have the time, and will be waiting to try your new launcher @@redsaurus

    Circa likes this
  10. I recently upgraded to OS X Mavericks, and been thinking of reinstalling JKA for some time. Apparently there are a couple of issues(could also be me);


    I installed JKA with my SWJK Gold Pack dvd, but unable to launch MP which 'quits unexpectedly', while the SP launches just fine. Can't say if installing the binary patches would help in any way since I don't think they work with the Gold Pack copy.


    I installed the Steam version, which is able to launch but with a resolution problem; I can barely see 1/4 of the menu and can't really access anything. As long as I know steam version initially worked with widescreen resolutions, without having to alter the config files, which I tried to but it seems there is no longer a 'r_mode' function.


    Anyone can offer a solution? I appear to be a bit rusty at the moment so I'm quite stuck :/


    ( I use a retina macbook)

    Circa likes this
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