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Posts posted by RecklessJames

  1. No. There are no "errors" with the shader. The images @@RecklessJames uses simply lack alpha channels, which my shader suggestion depends on.


    The fact that these glows render behind other semi-transparent surfaces could be a depth issue, which a depthFunc may solve.


    Okay so here's an update. I took the RGB glow texture and made it into a .tga format with an alpha channel, but it still gives issues when using the shader settings you gave me. Here is what those settings look like for that:

        cull    twosided
            map gfx/effects/sabers/black/blackrgb_glow2.tga
            rgbGen vertex

    However, in this screenshot I'm holding two colors as you can see..... on the right is red RGB glow and black core, but on the left is red glow with black core (but not RGB) which is using different shader settings entirely:




    As you can see, I'm able to accomplish what I want if I make individual shaders for each color which has always been the case. But not when using RGB. It's really confusing... and yes, I've tried swapping the settings from the two different colors and that doesn't work either sadly. Here is the shader settings for the color on the left, just as a reference:

        cull twosided
            map gfx/effects/sabers/black/bred_glow2
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
            rgbGen vertex
            alphagen vertex

    Just for the sake of showing everything I've tried, I also went back and tried to use my previous shader settings for black core RGB:

        cull    twosided
            map gfx/effects/sabers/black/blackrgb_glow2.tga
            rgbGen vertex
            alphagen vertex

    And this is currently the result (same issue as earlier in this thread):




    So that's all for now.... lol. Also, all examples featured here used the same blackcore texture and shader settings.

  2. @RAILBACK Okay I got the time to look into this and...... I have no idea what to put as directories lol. Did you mean something like this?

            map $lightmap
            map menu/art/jasp/load.jpg
            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
            map menu/art/jasp/load.jpg
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            animMap 0.5 menu/art/jasp/load00.jpg menu/art/jasp/load01.jpg menu/art/jasp/load02.jpg menu/art/jasp/load03.jpg menu/art/jasp/load04.jpg menu/art/jasp/load05.jpg

    Cause it didn't do anything.

  3. I fully agree with this idea, practicality + speed is always a good combo. The old method has practicality..... but not the speed maaaan! Time is precious afterall, haha! If this is achieved it would save alot of time. My only question is this... just to clarify, would this idea also be useful for maps already built? Aka maps that we don't have the source file to? lol! Cause majority of the maps I download don't have botroutes and this idea would certainly be helpful! But if this is only intended during the initial creation of a map then..... uh oh spaghetti o's!!!!


    Do you mean splash screens? You can get more than one to load by using this shader:


            map $lightmap
            map textures/mod/your.jpg
            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
            map textures/mod/your_title.jpg
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            animMap 0.5 textures/mod/your1.jpg textures/mod/your2.jpg textures/mod/your3.jpg ... png .. tga etc.



    Oh I see! I'll try this as well and see what happens.

  5. FINALLY!  I got it to work! The issue was that it was ui_main.cpp that I was supposed to be editing, not cg_info at all!

    For specifically the loading screens to be random, I had to change this:

    void Menu_Cache( void )
        uis.cursor         = ui.R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/new/crosshairb" );
        uis.whiteShader    = ui.R_RegisterShader( "white" );
        uis.menuBackShader = ui.R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap" );

    To this:

    void Menu_Cache( void )
        uis.cursor         = ui.R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/new/crosshairb" );
        uis.whiteShader    = ui.R_RegisterShader( "white" );
        uis.menuBackShader = ui.R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("menu/art/jasp/load%d", Q_irand(0, 20)));

    @JaceSolarisVIII @Exmirai @Noodle  Thanks for the help, regardless!  :3  Plus now this can be used by others who are interested!  (directory names and number of images may vary, of course)


    Try this.

    void CG_DrawInformation( void )
    	int		y;
    	// draw the dialog background
    	const char	*info	= CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
    	const char	*s		= Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
    	qhandle_t	levelshot;
    	qhandle_t	levelshot2;
    	extern SavedGameJustLoaded_e g_eSavedGameJustLoaded;	// hack! (hey, it's the last week of coding, ok?
    	levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("levelshots/%s", s));
    	levelshot2 = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("levelshots/%s2", s));
    	if (!levelshot)
    		levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/unknownmap");
    	if (!levelshot2)
    		levelshot2 = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/unknownmap_mp");
    	if ( g_eSavedGameJustLoaded != eFULL
    		&& !strcmp(s,"yavin1"))//special case for first map!
    		char	text[1024] = { 0 };
    		CG_DrawPic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot);
    		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString("SP_INGAME_ALONGTIME", text, sizeof(text));
    		int w = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(text, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);
    		cgi_R_Font_DrawString((320) - (w / 2), 140, text, colorTable[CT_ICON_BLUE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);
    	else if (cg.loadLCARSStage >= 4)
    		CG_DrawPic(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot2);
    		CG_DrawLoadingScreen(levelshot, s);
    	// draw info string information
    	y = 20;
    	// map-specific message (long map name)
    	s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );
    	if ( s[0] )
    		if (s[0] == '@')
    			char text[1024]={0};
    			cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( s+1, text, sizeof(text) );
    			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",text),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
    			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",s),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
    		y += 20;



  7. the files you sent me just end up crashing instantly on loading up a map, I bet I'mm issing more files but I don't really feel like piecing those together from whatever code mods you bashed together into this :D


    Anyway, I did take a look  at your imagefiles and I have a question: Did you want to try to achieve full RGB colorisation with no effect on transparency with these? If so your textures are setup incorrectly.


    When I suggested those changes to your shader, I went with the assumption that you would and suggested a blendfunc the requires an alpha channel (transparency) on your textures - which they currently don't have.


    Oh wow... that's odd.  I even tested mine without any other mods and I didn't have any issues like that.  Sorry about that.  Well I'll keep at it I guess.... thanks anyways, lol

  8. Hey everyone!


    So... in the past I've created various different Lightsaber hilts, ones that focus mainly on multiple blades! Numbers ranging from 2 to 8! But I never released them before because they are technically not finished, mostly cause I'm a beginner at modeling and I'm lazy with texturing lol! Despite the ugly/lazy looking hilts, the main thing I cared about was the concept of multi-bladed Lightsabers... especially because I always found it odd that almost no mods exist that fully utilize the built-in ability to have up to 8 blades for a single hilt! Only ones I've ever seen have been "x" shaped sabers here and there, and then of course there's those 4 Lightsaber hilts that go with that one General Grievous mod with 4 arms (you know the one I'm sure, lol). Sure there's also a decent amount of two headed hilts but other than that, not much else..... until NOW!!!


    For this first Lightsaber, I actually lied lol... because this one I did upload! (but this is the only one I released so far) I guess I'll start with showing that first!


    The Vinesaber: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3151-the-vinesaber-vinesauce/










    That was just a random idea I had one day, and relating to the Vinesauce Twitch stream! Starting off with two blade heads is pretty standard so far, right? But now... I shall reveal a never before seen hilt! Behold!!


    [WIP] Hydra Lightsaber:










    Magnificent isn't it? Yet utterly stupid, lol! But that's precisely why it's so fun right? ^_^ I'll show off more of my creations later but this shall do for now heh, and one day I'll also get around to uploading these once they have proper looking hilts! :)



    Here's another one I made once... something a bit more stylish!


    [WIP] Handfan Lightsaber:








  9. interesting. send me the images and your modified .exe, I'll need to mess around with this

    Ah, just the .exe? Sure I'll do that... lol, but I might also need to include other files too tbh (like .dlls) along with the shaders. As I mentioned earlier, the source code I'm working on uses ASL's SFX Lightsabers... and specifically a version of JA: Enhanced by Redsaurus. For the black core to be enabled, it uses a special command "sabercrystal 1 blackrgb" to activate it, and then "sabercolor 1 a" to give it a red RGB color (but any will do). The fact that it uses a special SFX setting is most likely why I'm having trouble, haha. But if you're fine with all that, I'll PM a zip in a short moment.


    Meanwhile, I'll also take a look at that program you mentioned! Thanks for the info on that btw

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