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Posts posted by Malkav

  1. Some people just like writing lenghtly and thorough reviews. The staff could consider volunteer reviewers, I suppose. Attendance would probably exceed the demand though, leading to forum eliticism. Then again, it's a community revolving around a relatively old game, and most members are in their 20s, so we're past the age when one takes Internet forums too seriously. I might have digressed a bit...

  2. Seems like you can get a 12-slotter in UK (with basic configuration) for six months for 60-something USD. Doesn't seem so bad. If you find a third person to split the costs, I could contribute.


    Also, thought that I'd add that this server could be used for various other events that people feel like

    HAMMERZEIT. Or I could come up with an event that would make use of my semi-secret robot Caelum NPC uh, something.

  3. Bonjour mes ami
    Oui, oui, je suis une legume avec des baguettes magique! Mon omelet du fromage, c'etait une pomme avec du pain!
    Je ne comprend pas. Je suis Anglais.

    Stop making my eyes bleed :S.

  4. Okay, so the line in the .sab file goes:


    trailStyle 1


    Since I've only done very simple stuff during my course of playing JKA, I'm not sure how to approach this issue. The variable is not an effect name or a path to one (or an image) so I'm wondering if it's possible to add a completely new one, without affecting the vanilla ones.

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